Chapter 5

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"Hey how are feeling? I brought breakfast and Medicine." Fred woke me up gently

"I feel much better today. I have to get completely better though we have school in a week!" I complained as I sat up and grabbed the food from Fred. 

"I think you will pull through quickly. Anyway I got to go. I promised the guys we would play some Quidditch bye." He got up and left I was left to silence so I turned on some music. I felt a lot better today. I got up and I got dressed. I headed out to the back yard to where everyone was. 

"Hello darling. Fred told us you were feeling better. Want to come join me in the garden?" Molly greeted me. I nodded accepting her invite. We worked on getting all the weeds out and watering them. It was a long no magic process but it felt good to do something. 

"Hey! Becca glad to see you are up and around." Zamira said hopping off her broom. 

"Who won?" Authur came out from the side of the house.

"Harry and his team won again." Fred said hopping off his broom. 

"Well of course his team did." Molly said with a laugh. 

"What are our plans for tonight?" George popped up out of know where. I hit his shoulder because he scared me really badly.

"I do have no idea what were doing tonight. Dad has work maybe we can watch a movie or just lay back maybe have a fire?" Molly suggested

"I think a movie would be great! There is this thing in the muggle world called Disney we can watch one of their movies!" I suggested and the nodded their head agreeing. We finished the garden and Molly made us some turkey and vegetables for dinner. 

"We should watch Honey I shrunk the kids tonight!" Harry said as he was putting his dishes away

"Alright sounds interesting." Molly said and she got the television prepared and turned on the movie. We all sat in our normal spots. Molly sat on her normal chair and we watched the movie on the little screen. 

"Alright children I am bit tired. I will be going to bed now. Do not stay up to late."

"Goodnight!" We all said in unison. We finished the last 30 minutes of the movie. One by one people started to head up to bed. It was just Fred and I. 

"Do you want some fire whiskey? I am horribly bored and not tired." Fred asked me with a little smirk on his face.

"Sure why not I see no harm in some fun." He got up and came back with a body. He took the first drink and passed it to me.

"So how are you and Draco?" 

"Were good. Thank you for um asking, I haven't written him since my concussion. I think I soon though." He kind of frowned when I said we were doing great. Maybe Mione is write maybe he does still like me. We kept drinking until our words were slurred. We ended up passing out together on the couch. 


Its little shorter than normal. But I have been writing all day! I am going to write all night most likely. 

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