Chapter 43

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"Well, the second thing is I am Pregnant!" My mum says. My eyes almost pop out of my head and my brother has a horrific look on his face. 

"Mum your joking? Right? Please tell me you are joking!" My brother says with tears filling his eyes. 

"No sweetie I am not. The baby is one of the reasons we're moving back to England." Mum says in a slow calm voice. This isn't new you exactly want to tell your 13-year-old almost 14 son and your 15-year-old almost 16 daughter that news easily. I was sort of excited but I knew Adrian wasn't I know he thought he was going to be the youngest forever. He got up from the couch and went upstairs. I wanted to follow but I decided to give him space. He will come to me if he wants to talk. 

"Okay... We since his birthday is on May 30th so a couple of days from now. Do you want to come with me to get him his present?" My mum asks me. I nod and get up to go upstairs to get ready. I threw on jeans and a Draco's Quidditch sweater. 

"Ready? Is that Draco's?" My mum asks me as I walk downstairs. 

"Yea it is," I say putting on my boots. 

"How are you two?"

"Last time I spoke to him we had a fight which was like a month ago. I will write him a letter when we go back home."

"Oh, I am sorry baby. Let's apparate there hold onto me." She holds out her arm. My body twists and turns and I feel sick every time I do that. We arrive somewhere that looks like Diagon Alley but it's for Ilvermorny. People give me strange looks as I am wearing a Slytherin Hogwarts sweater. Mum takes me to a little pet shop at the end of the road. 

"Oh hello, Anna! And who might his be?" The shop lady greets my mother. 

"This is my daughter Rebecca. She attends Hogwarts she is visiting for the summer until... When are you leaving?" My mum turns to me asking. 

"I am leaving June 3rd to make it in time for Draco's birthday," I inform her. 

"Oh okay, so you won't be here for your birthday?"


"Alright then! Well, I came to look at your cats. I need one that can take on muggle planes cause we're moving in a month."

"Oh! I think I have the perfect one for you, follow me. Where are you moving to?" The shop later leads us towards the back of the store. 

"England were going back!" 

"Right! Alright, this little guy is a Persian cat. He is a white cat with gorgeous green and blue eyes." The shop lady informs us. He looks like Shadow but a boy and white... That's honestly really cool. 

"He is perfect! I will take him." My mum says pulling out her wallet. The shop lady gets him into a crate and puts him on top of the counter. My mum pays and we leave-taking the cat with us. 

We arrive home and I rush the cat into my room. I hope he and shadow can get along. I let him and check his tag. "Jinx" Is his name. I call for Shadow and she approaches with her fluffy tail wagging but stops when she sees jinx. They stare at each other for the longest time. Then walk slowly towards each other. They rub against each other like they have seen or known each other before.  They do have the same colored eyes... and the same breed. Maybe siblings? 

I start to write out a letter to Draco asking him if he still wants me to come to his party. He never likes them but his mum forces him. 

Dear Draco, 

We have spoken in a month. So I am wondering if you still want me to come to your birthday party if you are having one of course. Or if you just want me to come to see you for your birthday. Please get back to me soon. 

Love, Rebecca

I seal it up and whistle for Talen to come to me. He flutters through the window expecting pets and a treat. So I do so and then hand him the letter and he flutters off. It's gonna take him about an hour maybe a little longer with breaks to get to his destination. I always feel bad making him go to America from England the same as going to England from America. 

I walk to my brother's room and knock lightly. 

"Come in." His voice sounds hoarse like he has been crying all day. 

"Hey... Do you want to talk?" I ask him and he nods. I sit on his bed and he fumbles with his hands. 

"I thought I'd always be the youngest. I was happy with an older sister and that was it. Now I have to give up being the baby of the house to a snobby kid." He huffs laying on his bed. I felt the same way when he was born.

"I understand but there isn't anything we can do. I wish there was cause I don't want another sibling but we're going to welcome them with open arms aren't we?"

"Yes. We will, so are you moving back in with us?"

"Most likely yes. I can give the Weasleys some of their space back." I laugh and he giggles a little bit too. 

"Tell me about Ilvermorny!"

"It's horrible! We aren't allowed to keep our wands at the end of the year and we get them assigned! So it's not special, I saw the way they did yours when you got your wand. Then the dorms are tiny. The bathrooms are gender joined! So boys and girls share bathrooms it's gross! My house is the horned serpent. I wonder what house I'll be in when I go to Hogwarts!"

"That sounds awful! You already know about Hogwarts so I won't bore you." I say and he rolls his eyes at me. Soon there was a little peck at the window. Talen was back, I let him in. I gave him treats and he flew off. I dismissed myself from Adrian's room so I could read this alone. 

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