Chapter 11

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Happy birthday to me!! Today is my birthday and I am spending seven hours of it in school, fun right? Stay safe guys!

I was in the middle of Care for creatures when I realized that I have detention tomorrow. Even though I am in Slytherin Snape doesn't like to favor Draco and me I. Ever since he and I got together Snape has been making us lose points left and right. It isn't fair, he loves all the other Slytherins but I and Draco are a no to him. I shrugged it off and Hagrid brought out a Niffler. I have read about those. They may look sweet but they can cause a lot of chaos. Hagrid left it in the cage just in case. He doesn't want another hippogriff accident. After that class, I headed to Charms. I had that class with Hermione, one of the only classes I have had with her. It doesn't help my grade much, she is too stubborn to help me but then I threaten to tell Ron all her secrets. I really wouldn't I just need to pass that class. 

"Hermione, we barely have spoken!" I rush up to her in class and pull her into a hug.

"I know, I wish we were in the same house. Luckily we have charms together." She released the hug and went to our spot. She actually helped me today and I didn't have to force her to, thank Merlin. It was lunch so I sat with the whole friend group and they kept talking about my detention. It was funny but a little annoying, Fred kept poking me every time it was brought up.

"Hey, Becca. So, detention I was thinking when you get out or if you can walk after." George blurted, I spit my drink back into the glass. I got up and stormed out of there and headed to my next class. Great of course I have D.A.D.A with the twins. Fuck why does this have to happen to me? He really had to imply that I would get fucked in front of Fred. I am sure George knows how Fred feels about me. I sat down in my normal spot and George sat across from me along with Fred. I kept looking down I was so mad at George. The only person I would talk to his Fred and the others. But not George he crossed the line.

"Psst... Becca what is number 7?" Fred asked me, I leaned in to tell him and told him to not tell George. He nodded and went back to his work. George looked at me pointing to his page asking for the number 7. I shook my head no and went back to work. He frowned and circled a random answer, he actually got it right. I had by no means told him though. I wanted to make him wonder for the rest of the day. As soon as class ended I got out of there. I went to Herbology with Luna and Fred.

"Becca, are you okay? You seem tense." Luna asked me as we walked down to the greenhouse.

"I am tense, Freddie's brother here was very stupid and made me angry."

"Yea... He was being dumb. I'm sorry about the Becca." Fred said as he swung his arm over my shoulder.

"It is okay it wasn't your fault." We got to class just in time and Madame Sprouts was just getting done setting up. Today we're going back to the second year and re-potting mandrakes. The only reason for this is because she needed help doing it. She didn't want to do it alone, I can understand there are over 100 mandrakes. I can get them done pretty fast it is one of my many skills. 

"Hey, Luna do you have any of that muggle, you know what?" Fred whispered in her ear.

"Yes, why do you want some?" 

"Yea, I'll use it in about a week or 2."

"I'm getting Wizard you know what in a week if you want that instead. It's way stronger than the muggle stuff."

"Ooo yea! Get me some of that please."

"Will do Freddie."

I went to my last class then was heading down to the courtyard when I was stopped by George.

"Please, Rebecca I am sorry!"

"Hmm get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness."


"You heard me. Go on." He got on his knees and started to beg. It was hilarious, I patted his head and walked off to the courtyard. 

"Hey, guys. Have you seen Draco around?"

"Um nope. Last I saw him we were in potions. He was working with Astoria. Maybe ask her if you see her around." Zamira looked at me and explained. I shrugged it off and sat with them. They were in the middle of talking about something but I didn't know what. I got up and went inside to the common room. I found Draco on the couch with his friends, I decided not to bother so I walked past.

"Baby! Come back." Draco called after me, I turned around and walked back to him. I stood in front of him. He pulled me down on his lap. He kept talking to his friends and I just sat there awkwardly. He would whisper cute things in my ear and it would make me giggle but his friends creeped me out. Especially Crabbe and Goyle, they really just creeped me out. 

I ended up going up to my dorm to get homework done. I have detention tomorrow, so I got ahead for tomorrow's homework so I didn't fall behind. I was really dreading this whole detention. Snape was probably going to have us clean his whole class with no magic. I finished my homework and got a little peck at the window. It was Zamira's owl, I let it in and grabbed the letter and it all it said was she was going to be staying in George's dorm tonight. Good, I can get a goodnight's sleep. 


I got a laptop for my birthday! So no more using my iPad and school laptop lmao! I had a very good birthday. I got all the Harry Potter movies finally (yes I have watched them before). Hope everyone stays safe and has a good day or night!!

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