ㅤㅤchilde ❁ to run away with you

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Sunlight poured down from your window, it gave light to your scattered school works and music scores on the floor

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Sunlight poured down from your window, it gave light to your scattered school works and music scores on the floor. You were kneeling down on the room's rug, hands were covering your ears and you seem to be cowering.

Shaking, you looked over to your window to see a certain boy climbing into it through the use of a nearby tree.

Childe was rather surprised to see your state, "(Y/n)!" He exclaimed and knelt down next to you. He placed his hands gently on your shoulders but instinctively, you slapped his hand and pulled him away. This made him more surprised than he was.

You stood up and backed up towards a wall, "Stay back!"

You didn't want him to know of the bruises that your own parents had given you once you stepped a foot on this household. This happens every time you come home from school, your mother would always yell at you and either slap your face with her hand or pull your hair tightly. Your father was no better either, one time during childhood, he had hit you with a chair just because you angered him.

The abuse and torment was rather large and it took a toll on your mental state. You were actually glad on going to school for once as it was an escape from the harsh environment at home. Even if you didn't understand the lessons, you were still glad that you have your friends that puts a smile on your face. You were hiding a positive façade that gives the impression to people that your well being is very much okay.

But Childe knows them all, he knows of the abuse you take whenever you come home.

"(Y/n).. how about you stay in my place in the meantime? Come, I'll sneak you out of here" Childe grabbed the scattered papers and stacked them all together, tapping them on the table before placing it gently inside your bag. "I'll help you pack your things"

"What if.. my parents found out?" you horrifyingly looked at Childe, "I don't... want you to be a part of any of my problems with my parents. They might do these horrible things to you too!"

"Look at the bright side, it will give you time to heal from the scars of your past" Childe pulled you towards himself, placing your head on his chest. "Shh.. don't cry"

He began brushing your hair in a comforting manner. You weren't crying but when he said not to.. you couldn't help the tears from escaping your eyes. Childe hoisted you up and wiped the tears away with his thumb and made you sit down on the bed.

"I'll pack your things, I'm going to help you escape" he smiled and grabbed a nearby bag from a corner of the room and opened your closet.

"You can stay at my place as much as you like. There is also a piano there so you could practice, my little brother was the owner of that instrument but he's not here at the moment" he chuckled and started folding your clothes neatly before tucking them inside the bag. "And that's it.."

You just smiled at him a little, muttering a thank you. Childe shook his head and grabbed the bag.

"I'll come by later at night" he grinned, "I'll put your things in my house. In the meantime, I'm gonna call you to know the current situation here okay?"

As Childe hop out of the window and stepping on the tree, he was careful not to drop your things on the ground as your parents might come with the commotion. He quickly rushed out the premises and started running to the direction of his house.

He never once ran away, this was rather a thrill for him. But his intentions for (Y/n) are pure, he wanted what's best for them. He wanted their happiness, no one wanted to live in that household with such parents who doesn't care about their child's well being.

When Childe arrived at his home, he immediately started unpacking and placing all the clothing in the guest room. He made sure everything was neat, fit for (Y/n)'s liking.

After he finished, he was starting to cook dinner for two. Childe grabbed his phone and dialed (Y/n)'s number. They picked up quite fast and they said that they're doing quite fine.

It was rest assuring that Childe can hear their voice once in a while to know that they're okay. The boy turned the stove off and washed hands before heading out.

It's time to sneak (Y/n) out. Childe thought to himself, he was already in front of the house and he was sneaking towards the side where the tree was placed.

He silently climbed the tree and when (Y/n)'s window was open, he somewhat whisper-yelled at you to come out.

You were still unsure about this but there's no backing out anymore. Childe reached his hands for you to grab and instinctively, you grabbed it.

You both hopped out and ran away from the house, laughter erupted from your throat while running away from your former home.

It was until then you felt freedom dawn on you. It was a good choice to run away with him, for the first time in your life you felt safe with him.

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