ㅤㅤkaeya & diluc ❁ phantom thief vs dark knight hero

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"Nng" a small whimper came from Paimon as she sense the tension from Dilluc and Kaeya

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"Nng" a small whimper came from Paimon as she sense the tension from Dilluc and Kaeya. "Stop fighting you two!"

Kaeya stared at Dilluc and vice versa. The red head sighed and placed a small glass that he was wiping on the tabletop. He looked at the Kaeya with still a blank stare and asked, "So. Do you plan on telling the Knights of Favonius then?"

A small recap at what happened, after Huffman left the tavern Kaeya suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He seemed to be hiding somewhere in the tavern without anyone knowing. It's quite impressive if you do say so yourself, and now he's here catching you three red handed.

Kaeya smiled cheekily, "No. I don't dare spill secrets, besides.." a smirk appeared on his lips. "Nice to see you have already have an assistant" he looked at you with wonder in his eyes, "Huh.. didn't thought it was (Y/n) that you chose too"

Paimon huffed, "Hey! What's wrong with (Y/n)?!"

"Oh nothing," Kaeya turned around and waved his hand, without even looking at Dilluc and you. "See you around dark knight hero and of course, little (Y/n)"

As he walked out of the tavern, Dilluc sighed once more and crossed his arms. "So much for that, anyways I thank you for helping me in this mission. But I'm afraid that I still have to protect Mondstadt still from predators in the dark"

Dilluc walked out of the counter and turned to you and Paimon, "It's already getting late. Do you need a walk to your place of stay?"

"We don't have one" you replied and shrugged, "Me and Paimon often just wander around the woods until the sun shines in the next day. So maybe we'll just go to Wolvendom or something.."

"No, you needed rest. The Dawn Winery is always open for you two anytime you need rest. I already contacted the maids to make a room for you and Paimon"

You felt your cheeks burn in embrarassment. Paimon gasped, "We're going to stay in the Dawn Winery?! Paimon heard that the food there is tasty! (Y/n), what's wrong? Why is your cheeks red just like Dilluc's hair?"

Sometimes you just wanted to cover Paimon's mouth for talking too much. But you can't help but blush at Dilluc's gesture.

"We'll just wander around here for the night. I wanted to know how the town is at nighttime" you awkwardly smiled, "Who knows we might run to each other tonight huh? haha..."

Dilluc nodded, "Yes of course. Well, let's part ways now. I bid you farewell, for now at least. Let's meet again someday?"

The noble walked outside, you sat on one of the wooden chairs by the counter and sighed. Paimon looked at you curiously, "What has gotten into you?"

You shook your head, "I don't know either.. I feel weird after spending time with Dilluc. Oh, I don't know.."

Paimon floated around you and smiled a little, "Paimon thinks it's a small crush! I also heard that it often goes away after a moment so if you don't want the feeling then let's wait for it to go away then!" The little fairy stretched, "Ahh, the smell of alcohol and wine here is making me feel woozy. Come now, let's go outside"

You nodded and went outside with Paimon.

The streets of Mondstadt at night is eerily quiet. The vendors are not in the streets anymore and their shops are closed shut. Only the sound of the wind was heard, and a few sounds of the stray animals.

"It's scary here at night. But the moon was calming though, come now let's take a night's stroll" Paimon floated in front of you and started floating to who knows where.

"You're only floating, it does not count as a stroll" you muttered, good thing Paimon didn't heard anything or she'll shout at you and her voice will echo through the streets. "Anyways, I think we should-- hmpff?!"

Someone placed a cloth on your mouth and then pulled you towards in kne of the alleys. Your heart beats fast as you didn't know what'll happen, that's when the mysterious stranger that 'kidnapped' you pulled the cloth away from your mouth.

You quickly spun around and saw a familiar looking face, "Kaeya?!"

The moonlight illuminated his face and you see his eyes glisten as a smile rested on his face. "Hey shh now, you don't want Paimon to know where you are."

The boy then climbed on the walls of the houses and jumped on the roof. You were curious to see what he'll do so you too followed. The both of you rested on the rooftop, Kaeya offered you some water in which you gladly took.

"So what are we doing here?" You breathed heavily, "Why did you kidnapped me?"

Kaeya chuckled, "Just look."

He pointed downwards and you saw Paimon. Frantically floating all around the street, "(Y/n)?! (Y/n)!" She seemed to be on the verge of tears as well. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

The boy next to you laughed a little and confortably lie down, "You should call the small fella here, we wouldn't want to hear someone crying in the middle of the night"

You nodded and peered down from the rooftop, "Paimon! Up here!"

Your small companion looked up and swiftly floated where you are, giving you a tight hug. "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" she placed her small hand on her chest, "That almost gave me a heart attack- oh!" When she looked at Kaeya, she turned to look at you with a small smirk, "Ahh, 2 boys huh.."

A small frown appeared on your face, "It's not what you think.."

"Suuuureeee it's not" Paimon floated in front of Kaeya, "What's with you and (Y/n)?!"

The boy sat up and laughed at Paimon, "What, I'm just a mere knight who's only saving a damsel" he turned to you and winked, "A beautiful damsel to be exact'

Sometimes, you don't get it.

Its just safe to say that you needed time to figure out who you like from Dilluc and Kaeya.

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