ㅤㅤdainsleif ❁ aeternus

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Dainsleif remembers the time when he first met you, a mere traveller who was searching for their siblings in the land of Teyvat

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Dainsleif remembers the time when he first met you, a mere traveller who was searching for their siblings in the land of Teyvat. Asleep for over hundreds of years, only to be awakened right after a huge war that happened in the nation. You met him while you were out adventuring one day and he disappeared right after a short time of adventuring with him, only to reappear when you got a short glimpse of your sibling.

He had promised to look after you in your adventure as he wishes you a safe trip. Not only that, but was rooting for you to save your sibling from falling into the depths of the abyss.

Upon the end of your journey, you managed to save your sibling from the abyss and brought them back to the light again. Dainsleif was nowhere to be found right after the end of the war, you and your sibling then moved forth into continuing your journey across other dimensions. It was a shame to leave those whom you travelled with you across your journey behind, especially Paimon but that's how the circle of life goes.

You and your sibling both journeyed across lands, fought dangerous monsters and went on heights you never knew possible. Of course, you both are mere humans and every human has a ticking clock of life. Our lives are just like the sand in an hourglass, once it emptied, we too.. will soon pass onwards.

Your sibling decided you leave them in a certain dimension once you both decided that you cannot continue adventuring due to your old age. Instead of staying by their side, you decided to return to Teyvat as it was your 2nd home. Upon arriving at Teyvat, everyone was still there and was very happy upon your return. They have helped you make a small cottage by Pilos Peak, where you can find solitude and happiness.

You could feel the sand in your hourglass of life slowly draining down as you felt your body grow weaker and weaker each day until you were eventually bedridden. You were not afraid of death as you felt you lived your life to the fullest. Not one moment was wasted, this was the destiny that you're supposed to take.

A ray of light appeared in front of you as it formed a portal in which Dainsleif stepped out of. He looked as young as ever, due to the fact that he was cursed to live for all eternity. His soft gaze landed in your direction, not once had he felt the feeling of sadness.. But today, he felt a tug in his chest upon looking at your direction.

"(Y/n)." he slowly walked over to your side and sat down on the edge of the worned out bed. He placed his palm on your cheek, making you feel a comforting warmth from the area where he placed his palm spreading all over your body. "I'm here now, I'm sorry for not coming sooner.."

A smile appears on your face as tears start cascading from your eyes. You moved your frail body to face the man right in front of you, holding his palm as if your life was depending on it. Even if death doesn't scare you, it doesn't mean that you wanted to die. Your breathing was labored as you felt difficulty due to the choked cries coming out of your lips. Oh how you missed Dainsleif and the moment he showed up, you realized that you don't have any more time in this world.

Dainsleif narrowed his eyes, even though he could feel the tears forming in his eyes, he doesn't want you to see his weak side.

"C-Can you.. take me... o-outside?" you stuttered, even speaking hurts. Death was already by the corner and you were just hanging on with little time left. You wanted to see the beauty of Mondstadt, the first welcoming city you came across before finally saying farewell.

Dainsleif nods and carries you in his arms bridal style. A small smile appears on your features as you nuzzle your face against his chest, remembering his warmth that you'll carry as you soon pass on. He placed you on the grass by the edge of the cliff where you get a beautiful view of the sea and the sunset in front. At your right side, the cliffs of Mondstadt were seen. The male sat down beside you and he gently placed your head on his shoulder, as well as intertwining his fingers with yours.

"Oh how I.. wanted this.. for.. so.. long.." you trailed on your words as you stared at the sunset. You felt your eyelids growing heavy and you couldn't help but close your eyes for a moment.

Meanwhile, the male looked into the sunset as well. He knew that you'll pass on that day and he couldn't help but see you for the last time. As the warmth he felt from your hands slowly disappeared, he looked down to see you unconscious and pale, as if all the color from your face had disappeared. He couldn't feel your breathing yet there's a smile on your features.

Dainsleif picked your body up and cradled you into his arms, "(Y/n)... I'm so sorry.."

Warm tears started falling from his eyes and it dropped on your cheeks. He knew that crying wouldn't get you back, even if he delegates to the gods to bring you back, they couldn't because the gods are not allowed to tamper with those who are already dead. Your weight suddenly became light in his arms and when Dainsleif watched what was happening, your body glowed for a mere second before crumbling into pieces and flying away, disappearing in thin air.

Dainsleif knew that he shouldn't have been attached to a human because he knew that someday they would leave the world. Unlike him, they aren't immortal and could die due to nature's course. He had seen a lot of deaths in his past but yours was where he felt the most pain. It was probably because you were special to him or you died right in front of his eyes and in his arms.

The male knelt down on the ground and began weeping to release the sadness he bottled up earlier. He doesn't want to live eternally without his loved one. What can he do with eternity if you're gone?

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