ㅤㅤ〘 M 〙xiao ❁ notice me please !

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"Here are some of the commissions that needs to be done for the day, (Y/n)" Katheryne handed a map in which purple indicators are placed along the maps

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"Here are some of the commissions that needs to be done for the day, (Y/n)" Katheryne handed a map in which purple indicators are placed along the maps. "Don't forget to stop by here after you completed the commissions for an additional reward!"

You turned to your team which consists of Bennett, Qiqi, Zhongi and Xiao. The four of them huddled over to your direction and peeked on the map. One commission was to sabotage a slime balloon by the Guyun Forest.

"Well, let's get going before we farm materials" You gave your team a thumbs up in which Bennett returned. Qiqi nods and slowly raised a thumbs up, Zhongli did the gesture as well but Xiao was only hiding behind Zhongli while crossing his arms. "Okay then, let's go to Guyun"

You and your team teleported to Guyun Forest, the crisp smell of the sea immediately filled your sense of smell. The slime balloon was located near the shore and you quickly started the challenge to get the commission over with.

"Wheel of life" Qiqi casted her elemental skill while Bennett casted his Q skill, Zhongli and Xiao started attacking the slime balloon. "Ah.."

"Ah this is starting to take longer that expected" Xiao mumbled to himself as he casted his Q skill and started doing plunge attacks. But, the cryo element archers often make him freeze.

Zhongli eventually used his Q skill and summoned the meteor, dealing the final blow towards the slime balloon. You quickly grabbed some snacks from your bag and gave them to those whose health are below half.

"Ah here you go Xiao" you handed the adeptus some Universal Peace before rushing over to Qiqi whose health is also below half. It's a while since her E skill has a rather long cooldown before it could be use again and she also got frozen by the archers. "Oh poor baby, here have some food"

Xiao frowned as he ate the Universal Peace with Zhongli and Bennett beside him.

"He didn't treated me like that" Xiao mumbles to himself but was still quite audible to the other two which earned a chuckle from them. Xiao glares at the two and walks away and maintained a good distance between Zhongli and Bennett which makes the two laugh at Xiao even more.

"Okay guys, the next is 'No Honor Among Thieves'. I think this will be pretty easy for us" You clasped both of your hands together and then teleported to the Statue of Seven by Qingyun Peak and just glide down below towards the camp of hoarders.

You and your team quickly did a plunge attack that quickly caught the hoarders off guard. They immediately did a fighting stance and your team quickly attacked the ones who were throwing bottles with some kind of element in them. Xiao was the one they're targeting, and it was making the adeptus annoyed very much.

He used his Q skill and quickly wiped the group of hoarders with a couple of plunge attacks. Of course, he hurt himself in the process. You told Qiqi to heal Xiao with her E skill in which the little zombie happily agreed to.

Zhongli placed a pat on the adeptus' shoulder, "There there.. (Y/n) will notice you soon enough"

Bennett gave the poor adeptus a thumbs up and ruffled his hair making Xiao sneer at the adventurer. You walked to their direction with Qiqi trailing behind you, "Is there something wrong..??" you ask with a curiosity lacing on your tone of voice.

Zhongli grinned and placed his hands on Xiao's shoulders, pushing the adeptus towards your direction. Bennett took Qiqi by her hand and walked away with Zhongli trailing behind them. The archon turned his head to you as he was walking away and mouthed, "Go talk to him"

You looked at Xiao and the circular cryo spirit that Qiqi summoned disappeared, leaving you two all alone. The adeptus was frowning all the time and was having trouble with keeping an eye contact to you. A smile appeared on your lips as you place your hand on his head.

"Xiao" you softly said his name which sent a strange wave of feeling flow through him. "Look at me.. what's wrong?"

Xiao pursed his lips and looked at you, still frowning.

"You... you're not paying attention to me. You're always with Qiqi or the others.."

A small smile appeared on your features, you placed a warm kiss on his cheeks which made the adeptus' cheeks burn into a shade of red. He was stunned that he actually froze in place by your actions. After the kiss you pulled Xiao into a tight hug, gently resting his head on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry if you ever felt that way. Don't worry, after the commission I'll just condensed my resins and we'll be having a time together. I promise"

Xiao smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist, he was rather happy now that his somewhat jealousy disappeared. The two of you let each other go but you gently slipped your hands to his intertwined your fingers with him.

"Let's go find the others before we move on to our third commission" you smiled and the two of you started walking upwards the path to catch up with the rest of the team.


"Ahhh these mountains were rather nostalgic. These is where the adepti resides and sometimes we go to Mount Aozang to feast" Zhongli reminisced the past days as he tell stories of the places they pass towards the two.

"Tell us more grandpa Zhongli" Bennett grinned as he was still holding on to Qiqi's hand. He was scanning the surroundings, fascinated as there is not much mountain is there in Mondstadt.

"Whoa..." Qiqi exclaimed when a gust of wind suddenly blew.

Zhongli was very much willing that he eventually continued telling the stories of the mountains and the overall scenery of the place.

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