ㅤㅤxingqiu ❁ a fairytale adventure

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One day, you were called by Xingqiu

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One day, you were called by Xingqiu. He said that he had a lot of new books to show you that he borrowed from Chang the Ninth and the Liyue library. Ever since you two were little, he has been interested in a lot of novels especially novels that talks about adventures.

Even if he is a son of the Feiyun Commerce Guilde, he also likes to escape his duties and just go on an adventure. When he met you one day in Chang the Ninth's home, he was interested because not only you were interested in books but it's because you're also an adventurer.

"So the Guhua geek has a couple of new books to show us?" Paimon floated around while you make your way towards where your friend was living. "I hope is about food, Paimon is getting hungry again"

A sigh escaped your lips, "You're always hungry Paimon.."

Xu greeted you once you're outside Xingqiu's home. He wore a gentle smile and waved his hand a little, "Miss (Y/n), the master is waiting for your arrival. Please come with me.."

He turned his back and silently walked inside of the premises. Up until now you're still surprised at how big Xingqiu's home is. Expected from the son of the ruler of the Feiyun Commerce Guild.

"You're here!" Xingqiu smiled widely upon your return. He was holding a thick, encyclopedia-like book in his arms. "I found this in the library's archives, this is a compilation of the fairytales we used to read back when we were just a mere child"

The blue haired boy placed the huge book on top of the table and dusted off the dirt from it's hard bound cover making you and Paimon cough. Xingqiu flipped the cover and some pages with sparkles in his eyes.

"Woah it's nostalgic to read these again" the boy infront of you looks like a child who got a candy from their parent. "Let's see.. the little red riding hood"

When Xingqiu started reading the first few words of the fairytale, the book suddenly flashed a light of gold. It became too unbearable that you had to shut your eyes close and felt your body beginning to feel light.

And with that, everything turned ominously dark.

You woke up lying on the ground, a wringing pain was reverberating inside of your head

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You woke up lying on the ground, a wringing pain was reverberating inside of your head. Standing up, you felt the back of your ears itching. Though instead of where they were usually are, your ears were pointed and were placed on top of your head.

"Wait.." then you realized that you had claws for hands. "I'm the wolf?!"

A sound came from a path nearby, you quickly hid behind a huge tree to cover up yourself. The said sound came from a boy who wore some pair of shorts and a white sleeved polo shirt with a red hood covering his head. A basket filled with treats is also hanging on his arm.

"X-Xingqiu!?" You yelled to yourself and quickly covered your mouth. The little boy stopped on his tracks and folded his hands, "I think he heard me.."

Xingqiu narrowed his eyes and scanned the area, "There's a legend here that a wolf surveys the area. I wonder if it will attack me today.." he mumbled, "It's a good thing I brought my sword with me, it's fur makes a great material for a warm coat"

Ack- what a violent red riding hood! You thought to yourself before thinking, if this is red riding hood.. then I should go his grandmother's house!

Determined, you quickly ran ahead of the path until you saw a small cottage. Xingqiu's grandmother was nowhere to be found, she was probably strolling around the woods. So it was an open opportunity, "U-Umm.. okay I can do this"

You grabbed a vintage frilled cloth hat from the closet and quickly hid under the covers of the bed. You waited and waited.. until there was the sound of knocking on the wooden door.

"U-ugh, come in!"

You did your best doing a grandmother's tone of voice and you were worried if Xingqiu fell for it.

"I'm coming in" the door opened revealing the violent red riding hood that you saw from the woods. He had a smile on which made you quite scared for a little, "Grandmother! My mom sent me to give you these freshly baked bread and- oh!"

The blue haired boy quickly walked towards the bed where you're lying on and stared at you curiously, "My what big ears you have!"

"All the better to hear you with!" You grinned making your pointed teeth show, all of which made Xingqiu gasped once again. You quickly covered your mouth with your claws, "U-Uhm!"

"Hey you're not my grandmother- you're the wolf!" Xingqiu quickly placed his basket on a nearby table.

He was about to say something once more but you caught him off by standing up, "Please don't hurt me! I'm just following the fairytale that's all!"

Xingqiu stared at you for a moment before laughing uncontrollably. He was placing his hands on top of his stomach, he was barely even breathing well. You frowned and crossed your arms.

"I'm sorry but- oh my god if you could've seen your face!" The boy wiped his tears away from his eyes and calmed himself down. "Pfft, so this is the story of little red riding hood.."

"The little red riding hood is a lot more violent than of the stories I've read in the book before.." you mumbled, making sure that Xingqiu won't hear any of it. "Man, I'm tired of running so fast"

"Save your breath, because the next story will make you run once more~" Xingqiu grinned, "Okay, next up.."


To be continued on Part 2

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