ㅤㅤxiao ❁ once the show is thick enough

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"When the snow is thick enough, we can eat it"

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"When the snow is thick enough, we can eat it"

White colored spots started falling from the gray colored sky. It painted the streets of Liyue into a pure, white color as it slowly continued to fall down. Your shoes slightly sunk on the blanket of snow, creating a trail of patterns wherever you go.

You stopped in front of a once luscious tree beside the waypoint.

Xiao crouched down and sweeped his teal colored scarf before he could scoop a handful of snow on his hands and then proceeded to stand up. He looked at you with his usual mundane look and showed the handful of snow on his hand. You looked at him with a worried look upon hearing what he had said.

"We can eat this" Xiao mumbles. "My former master would feed me snow. Nothing more, nothing less. Even if it freezes me from the inside, it's still better rather than starve to death"

The butler brought the handful of snow to his mouth and before he could take a bite on the snow, you grabbed his wrist making the male look at you with a surprised look.

The impact made him drop the handful of snow on the ground.

That's right..


Xiao was very innocent back then and lacks common sense. When he was still under the demons he used to serve, they would starve Xiao and make him think that snow is an edible food. The demons had cut off every plea for help during Xiao's enslavement, even his little cry for food.

The demons enslaved him to death and snow is the only thing that could fend off his hunger. And thus,

When the snow is thick enough, we can eat it.


"Let's go to Wangshu Inn, I'll cook you something" you smiled at the male while pulling on his sleeves. "But first let's drop by on Second Life. I'll buy some ingredients"

Xiao nodded and let you walk in front of him. He watched the way you walk and how you talked to the merchant from the store. Every move was gentle and delicate, unlike the ones he encountered during his past.

He didn't realize that he was dozing off until you gently wave your hand in front of his eyes. Xiao shook his head and snapped out of his trance, "I apologize. May I carry the bags you're holding?"

You looked at the brown paper bag around your arms and smiled at Xiao while shaking your head. You raised your free hand, as if making a stop sign. "I can take care of it Xiao. Don't worry about the superficial things and try to take a rest for a while. Don't think of work for a minute and let me be your server for the whole day"

Xiao blinked for a few minutes as he process the declaration you have said. A chuckle escaped of your lips when you started walking ahead of him while paying no mind to his protests.

"But as what I have said before, I am sworn to carry all your burdens"

Eventually Xiao stopped protesting and came to a thought. He asked himself, why must he follow one's orders when he could merely kill everyone just like before? He looked at his hands and removed the wool gloves that were protecting his hands from the cold. With these hands that thirsts for blood until it painted everything crimson.

Xiao saw an illusion from the past when his hands were covered with thick, red liquid of the innocent people he had killed before. He was a killer, a murderer.

He could've easily been killed by Zhongli during the infiltration but the latter decided to give him a second chance on life. Zhongli had made him realize that there is more to life than to kill, and that is to find someone to protect with all of his heart.

"I'll try and recreate the Almond Tofu you like so much okay?" You smiled upon entering the Inn. Luckily, you were great friends with Verr Goldet so you asked to use the kitchen for a while. "I'm not a great cook though, so bear with me!!"

Xiao looked at the clumsy human in front of him, trying to figure out how to make the traditional dessert he loves so much. Maybe... I found someone to protect.

"Let's see.. ah, no that's wrong.."

As you kept on figuring out the way to cook the tofu and faltering at the process, you felt warm hands on top of yours. You also felt gentle breathing by your ear and you realized that it was Xiao.

The male rested his chin on your shoulders and softly sighed as he guided you to make the tofu. To be honest, you weren't really paying attention to him as you were rather distracted with how close you two were.

Fortunately, the preparation for the dish was finished before your heart could burst in excitement. You and Xiao went downstairs and take a seat on one of the tables. You weren't supposed to be outside since the Liyue Qixing was on the hunt for you but Xiao said that it was okay since he vowed that you wouldn't get taken away by them.

The beautiful scenery of Dihua Marsh can clearly be seen by the table you and Xiao picked.

Xiao looked down on his favorite food, the glistening tofu reminds him of his former food which was snow. Yet it tastes sweet and rather warm. The dish contrasts from snow which was tasteless and cold.

The dish gave him a flashback of how he used to live under his former merciless master, striving to barely live under his ruthless ways.

"I won't make you eat snow once again" you mumbled as you watch the male eat the tofu. "Let's go home after you're done okay?"

Xiao looked down on the tofu and tried his best not to let tears escape his eyes. He compared his past life to this current life and wondered how he was lucky to be given a second chance on life even though he didn't deserved it.

The male looked up and smiled, "Mhm. Let's go home.."

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