❤Thirty Minutes❤

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King POV:

"Jayla please stop crying" I say as I hold her in my arms on my couch.

"I can't" she says putting her face in my neck, crying uncontrollably.

I haven't been able to get answers out of her since she got here. Her face is red, swollen and bruised and her hair is all over her head. I don't know who did this....but imma damn sure find out who did.

"I'm here...just tell me what happened" I say rubbing her back gently. I just need to know!

"I can't...he touched.....she hit" she stumbles over words, trying to make out something to say. "Just hold me" she says hugging me tighter.

"I wanna help you JB, but you gotta tell me sumthin ma" I say close to her ear as I push her hair out her face. Even with tear stained cheeks and bruises, she still look beautiful.

"I just wanna go to sleep..can I stay here?" she looks up at me and ask. I wipe her nose with my shirt and nod my head.

"Your gonna have to talk to me sooner or later JB" I say as she looks down.

"I know, I choose later" She says picking up her bags and heading up the stairs. I follow behind her as she opens the door to my room.

"That's my room ma...guest room is a door down" I say yawning. A nigga tired.

"But I want this one" I stare at her. "What" she ask.

"You come to my house..crying n shit. Don't tell me what's going on, and now yo ass think you finna take my bed. You thought" I irritably say pushing pass her to lay in my bed.

"Well I'm not leaving" she says folding her arms.

"ight ma" I say as I take off my shirt and go to brush my teeth. She must thought I was playing. I'm sleeping in my damn bed.

"Fine" I hear her say as I rinsed my mouth out. I come out to see her back faced to me as she slid her pants off revealing all black lace boy shorts. She reached behind her and unclasped her bra. She put both pieces in her duffle bag before turning to face me.

"Oh My God!!..What are you doing?" she semi yells grabbing her boobs to hide them.

"I'm tryna go to sleep..you need to finish what you doing" I say as I felt my body reacting to her body. Shit!

"Can you turn around or something. You just staring..dang" she says rolling her eyes.

"Nawwh I'm cool..you can continue" I say smirking as I climb in bed still looking at her.

"So you finna just watch? Fine, two can play this game" she says as she released her hands and let her boobs naturally fall. She walked slowly to my shirt which was on the floor and bent down slowly while keeping eye contact with me. She slid it on covering her perkiness.

"Thats how you wanna play?" I ask licking my lips still staring her up and down. I swear I could fuck her right now but she aint ready for me....yet.

"Don't act like you didn't like it" she says climbing in the bed.

"You tryna give a nigga blue balls..thats messed up" I mumble, turning so are backs was touching.

"Whatever..goodnight bestfriend" she says.

"Night ma" I say and soon we both was fast asleep.

Jayla POV:

I hurt everywhere! I need to get up and shower..maybe that will help. As I try to get up I'm forced back down by King's vice grip around my waist.

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