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Jayla P.O.V
"Ms. Bernet can we have a few seconds of your time?"
"That depends. " I say stopping to stand in front of the two police officers.
"On what?"
"What do you want?" I say with a small attitude.
"We just want to talk about your boyfriend Kingston, now has he-"
"Bye" I say cutting the officer off as I made my way up to the front porch of the house.
"Look you might not care but your boyfriend is going to be in big trouble if he doesn't turn himself in. We know everything."

I looked backed and gave them both a serious mug. If looks could kill. "Have a fucking warrant the next time you step foot on this property."

And with that I turned my back on them and entered the house. This is just another thing I have to worry about and I don't like it one bit. King's been staying out more and talking less to me. I honestly don't know if he's planning to get out of the charges or is he just turning back into the old King.

"Did you miss mama?" I say picking up Bella as she barked loudly as I sat my purse and keys down.

I tucked her under my arm as I walked over to the couch and sat down as I sorted through some mail. I then looked down and noticed King's favorite basketball shoe laying on the floor and the shoe strings bitten up.

"Now Bella, you know better. Daddy is about to be mad at you." I say looking at her dead in the face.

I turned on the TV and cuddled up with Bella until I unexpected got a phone call.


"Girl do you know where your man is?"

"He said he had to handle some business at the DownTown club."

"So y'all do own that? I thought that was just a rumor going around."

"What you trying to say? That my man not smart enough to run his own business?"


"Don't even answer that but for real why you called me?" Because I'm two seconds from cussing this broad out.

"Well you know I hate to be in people business" Yeah right, but you clearly in mine. Aw! "But I just seen King leaving the club with this girl and she not ugly either. Like usually the side bitches be ugly but this bitch-"

"Bye Payton" I say hanging up in her face. Nosy ass female.

I immediately called King but his phone went to voicemail. So I had to do the next best thing. Be petty of course!

MyKing💕👑💦: I'm pregnant

Not even a few minutes went by before he decided to call me back.

"Why you lying?"

"Why you ain't answer my calls?"

"I was busy man." He said huffing over the phone.

I took the phone away from my ear and stared at it for a minute. He clearly forgot who he was talking to. "Firstly I'm not a man, so dead that and that nasty ass attitude you got."


"I'm not finished." I say cutting him off. "Now I been patient with you because I know your stressed out but that don't give you a right to neglect me. Now I think it's time you came home so we can talk face to face."

"Jayla I told you-"

"King I'm not asking. We need to talk."

We both listened to each other breath over the phone before I heard him sigh.

The Life of JB (Urban Story).                                          |Editing|Where stories live. Discover now