❤Blurred Lines❤

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Mia POV:
"JB why you left the door open?" I ask as I walked into Kings empty house.

I knew something had to be up once I seen Jayla phone on the couch..she never leaves her phone anywhere.

"Bae where you at?" I ask Chris over the phone as I sat down on the couch.

"I'm at the trap..you good?" He ask.

"No, I think something happened to Jayla. I came over and the door was wide open and she left her phone" I say starting to panick.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN?.." He screams over the phone.

"She gone nigga..so stop yelling at me and tell me what to do" I say catching a attitude. He better chill with all that yelling shit.

"Ight we on our way..stay there" he says before hanging up. I hope my girl ok..I don't know what I would do without her.

Jayla POV:
You ever get that feeling when you see a certain person you just wanna slap the shit out of them. Well at this moment I'm feeling like that right about now. They got me in this county jail handcuffed until Carla ass finally decided to show up. Then she got the nerve to act concernced..like bisshh what?

"There goes my baby!..I missed you so much" she said running up to me with tears in her eyes as she pulled me into a hug.

"Ok?" I say more out of confusion. When did this foolishness come about. You can tell she came to play the role and put on a show because her hair was freshly done and her clothes matched and werent wrinkled. She didn't even smell of alcohol or cigarettes..

"Can I get my phone call" I ask. I was highly pissed and I needed to be far away from Carla at this point.

"I'm here now sweetie..you don't need a phone call" she says reaching to caress my hair before I slapped her hand away. I could see the anger in her eyes but she quickly covered it up.

"Why would you need to make a phone call young lady?" The officer asked me. I was already pissed that he just dragged me out the house and now he questioning me.

"Look, I know my rights and if I don't get my phone call I will raise hell up in this bitch. Now its yo choice" I say staring him dead in the eyes.

He slowly got up from his chair and escorted me to where the phones hung up on the wall. He gave me a quarter and I snatched it and turned the other way.

"You need to watch what comes out of that mouth of yours" he says giving me a disgusted look.

"And you need to raise the fuck up out my face" I say before King answered his phone. Thank God!

"King" I say getting emotional just thinking about how I might have to go back to that hell hole.

"Don't cry ma.. I'm up the street. Wait until I get there to say anything" he says as I hear him tell Chris to drive faster.

"Ok, hurry. She's here" I say sniffling as I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt. I refuse to let her see me cry anymore.

"We pulling up" he says before hanging up.

I hang up the phone and sit next to Carla hoping and praying that they get in here soon.
"Can't nobody help yo ass now..you thought you could just play me for a fool? Wait until I get you alone" she threatens me in a whisper as the police office wrote up a report not paying attention to her at all.

"Yeah ok" I say before hearing King, Chris and Mia come rushing in the door.

King POV:
I guess we shouldn't have left unfinished business with Carla because here she go once again starting up bullshit.

The Life of JB (Urban Story).                                          |Editing|Where stories live. Discover now