❤ Drop The Attitude❤

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King POV:

"Nigga get the fuck up" I yell as I punch this crackhead in the face, causing blood to spit out his mouth onto my white wife beater. This nigga was playing with my money and I wasn't having that.

"I swear man imma get you go money" he says looking up at me from the ground holding his bloody mouth.

"How when you a broke ass crackhead, I hate dealing with yo kind. Now you better tell me how you gone get this money or we finna have a problem" I say as I reach in my waist band to get my 2mm pointing it at him.

" ight man I swear imma get yo money, please just dont kill me man" he say as he raise his hands up with tears mixed with blood running down his face. I wasn't the type to kill nobody, that shit ain't for me, but if I had to do it I would. Before I could make a decision my phone started to ring.

"WHAT" I yell into the phone. I hate being interrupted when I'm handling business.

"Are u coming to get me or not, I can't be standing out here forever" I hear my sister say over the phone. I got so caught up with what I was doing that I forgot I had to pick her up.

"Yeah I'm on my way. Txt me the address" I say before hanging up. I know what yall thinking that I dont even know what school my sister go to. But to be honest I dont got time to worry about that. As long as she in school, that's all that matters .

"Aye man get up, imma let you go this time but next time pay yo debt. I hate doing this shit constantly with you. If you cant afford the shit then that tells u right there you don't need to be doing it. Imma pay it off this time, but next time I wont be so nice. Now get the fuck out my face" I say as I watch him get up and run like he was on a Olympic track team.

Yall probably think I enjoy what I do but to tell you the truth I hate doing this shit. They call me to handle they light work and sometimes do a few deals. This shit ain't for me but I do what I gotta do. One day imma quit this shit and get a legal job with legal money but until then these niggas better not fuck with me.

*Ten Minutes Later*

"What took you so long, its hot out here" my sister says as she hops in my car and throws her gym bag in the back seat. I'm not finna lie,I missed my sister like crazy. She like my best friend in a way and we talk about everything.

"Hey K, I missed you too" I say as I reach over and hug her. I push her curls out my face because they was wild, I guess that made her laugh.

"Why you touching my hair, and what's with all this love dovey shit" she laughs as she sits back in her seat.

"You got all that damn hair, it was in my way. Need to get that shit done" putting her in a head lock before I mess her curls up.

"STOP" a laughing Kayla says as she pushes me off her and fixing her hair. I couldn't help but notice that she is starting to look like my mom more and more which means I really need to look after her more.

"ight I quit, lets get outta here" I turn the car on and pull out but not before something catches my eye, causing me to stop.

Jayla POV:

" I know you been avoiding me, but thats ok. Imma get the story out of you one way or another" says Mia as she walks up behind me grabbing my arm. I was so over this conversation but instead she still wants to bring it up. UGH!

"Mia, there is nothing to say. He saw we walking to school, he asked did I need a ride, and I said yes. End of story" I say as I grab my gym bag and walk out the school door. I decided to keep my dance clothes on but I did throw on some jogging pants so these niggas at this school wouldn't start acting thirsty.

"JB please tell me that isn't who I think it is" Mia whispers to me as we both look at the black BMW. I watched as the girl I bumped earlier hop in and throw her stuff in the back before they hugged each other. I dont know why but a part of me felt disappointed. Was that his girlfriend?

"Yeah that's who you think it is, hurry up lets go before he see me" I turn to walk the opposite way as Mia tried her best to catch up

"Aye I'm starting to think you running from me ma" a familiar voice says behind us. I knew it was King by his accent. I swear one day imma ask him where he from.

"Well you caught up to us now" I say turning around to face him. I hated that my stomach immediately started to knot up and those stupid butterflies are back once again.

"I guess I did, so what yall up to" he asked crossing his arms, showing off his huge muscles. Oh Lawwd I need to get away from him.

"Well I was about to head home, and oh look...there goes my bus. See you later girl. Call me" Mia says running off and boarding the bus with a few other kids. I hated that she just left me standing here. I dont even know what to say.

"So what are you doing around here, didn't you graduate already" I say as I look at anything but him. I dont know why he makes me so nervous.

"I had to pick my sister up, you might know her" he smiles and lick his lips.

"Oh I might, but umm..yeah..I gotta go now. See you around" I turn around and start to walk but then felt a hand grab my arm causing me to look back.

"Why you acting like that, you cant talk to me now? I did give you a ride this morning" he says as he looks me in my eyes.

"And? You act like I begged you to take me. What, you want a thank you? I ask with a attitude and roll my eyes.

"That would be nice, but I know you ain't gone say it. At least can I get your number".

" Whatever, and why ever would I give you my number, I dont know you" I stare back at him. It didn't even matter because I didn't have a phone anyway.

"Why you gotta be like that? Damn you mean" he laughs looking me up and down and then licks his lips.

"Whatever, are you done. I do have places to be, people to see" I lie. Little do he know I was on my way back to that hell hole I call a home.

"You ain't got shit to do, so stop with the bullshit. But I'm finna go cuz unlike you, I do have places to be, people to see" he smirks at me as he mocked what I said. I hate that he was making fun of me and to my surprise I couldn't stay mad and I unintentionally started to smile.

"Ok, well go then. I ain't stopping you" I place my bag on my shoulder getting ready to leave. I push pass him and he grabs me again and kisses me on the cheeck but not before whispering in my ear "Bye Beautiful".

My face heated up so bad and I couldn't even look up at him, as soon as I did he was back to his car pulling off. I guess I can't hide it anymore. I want King. But that's never gonna happen so I guess imma have to keep my little fantasy to myself and drop the attitude.

Getting good huh?

Do you think they will end up together?

Do you guys think she will really drop her attitude?


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