❤Come Outside❤ Part 2

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King POV:

"Did you hear me" I ask Jayla as I stand outside leaning against my car.

"Umm...yeah, here I come" she says hanging up the phone.

Yall probably think I'm a stalker or some shit but that ain't the case. If I need to get in contact with somebody, just know I got ways to do so. As you can see.

"What are you doing here?" she asks walking up to me.

"Damn ma" I say as I look her up and down. She had on white spandex shorts and a pink sports bra with her curls down her back. That ass was looking just right....so yall know I had to look 😏

"So you just came here to look at my ass" she say crossing her arms, giving me attitude.

"Maybe" I say grabbing her waist pulling her closer to me. Damn she smell good!

"Well thanks for stopping by, but you need to go" she says pushing my chest.

"Why, you cant talk to your best friend now?" I ask pulling her back against me, making her smile.

"Nigga you ain't my best friend...last time I checked yo name wasn't Mia" she say pulling on her curls.

"Shidd, my name can be whatever you want it to be" I say as we both laugh.

"You play too much" she say pushing me off her.

"Yeah, but you love it" I say, smiling showing off my dimples. I know girls go crazy off that shit.

"Whatever, but for real what you doing here? Are stalking me now" she ask.

"Now why would I do that?" I ask her giving her my puppy dog eyes.

"I dont know...and don't give me that look" she says grinning.

" I came to ask you a question" I say holding her waist as I lean against my car.

I swear I can see me and Jayla together as a couple. I mean she just my type, I ain't sayin I know everything about her but the stuff I do know is just right for me. She the type I could take home to my sis and moms. I know I'm not living the best lifestyle..but I can't seem to stay away from her.

"What's the question King" she says as she look into my eyes. Her saying my name even sounds sexy. Fuck!

"Do you wanna go to Chris party with me Friday" I ask

"Umm..I dont" she says before I cut her off.

"I mean just as friends you know...nothing serious. Is that ight?" I say quickly so she wouldn't turn me down.

"I guess thats cool" she nervously say as I play with a few of her curls.

"ight I'll call you later ma" I say as I let go of her waist, getting up from my truck.

"Ok, whatever you say BESTFRIEND" she says mockingly as she rolls her eyes and turns around to go back in the house.

"Watch who you rolling them eyes at guh" I say as I smack her ass causing her to blush and speed walk into the house.

Mission accomplishment I thought to myself as I got in my car and drove off.


Jayla POV:

"Is you ready JB" Mia yells from downstairs.

"Almost, here I come" I yell back as I put my earrings on.

I was upstairs in Mia's room putting the finishing touches on my outfit, and yes I was looking hella good. I decided to flat iron my hair which hung down my back. I wore black high waisted shorts (Picture on the side) with gold spikes on the pockets, with a black crop top. I had on gold hoop earrings and a gold thick chain and I topped it off with a black beanie that said "Baddie" in gold on the front with my all gold high top Nikes.

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