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Jayla P.O.V.

Two Months Later

So let me catch you guys up on what's been happening the past two months. Me, Mia, and Chris are almost done with school and we can't be happier. Its been a struggle to get Chris to go to school but these past months he's been real dedicated to finishing. Chris and Mia are doing good and his mom is really starting to warm up to Mia...finally! As for me and King we are doing great, we're communicating more and he even cut back on doing business in the streets. I pray everyday that he quits completely, but until then I'm just going to keep encouraging him to quit.

The opening of the clothing store was a huge success and Kayla helped me out so much. Mama Star was so pleased that she made me assistant manger and yes your girl is making $15.50 a hour. I saved up most of my checks and I MYSELF bought me my all white Range Rover with custom seats that had my name written on the headrest. King was upset at first because he said he wanted to buy me my first car but I like the feeling now of knowing I can buy him and myself expensive things.

And last but not by far the least me and Mia have been sticking to our pact to reveal that Princess is lying about the baby. So check this shit out, last month Princess up and left the city for 4 weeks without a call, text, letter..nothing. King was beyond pissed. Ever since he found out he could possibly be the father he has been overly protective of what she does, where she goes, what she wears, eat...everything. He even sent his boys out looking for her but she was no where to be found. Just yesterday she finally called and said she was stressed and needed to get away so she went to go visit her grandmother in South Carolina. She said she would be back one day this week so hopefully she actually sticks to her word.

I don't believe that bullshit ass story but I can't assume because I don't have facts. Me and Mia are positive that things will start to reveal themselves soon.

"Little girl, what is the matter with you?" Mama Star ask me interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Nothing" I lie.

"I may be young but I'm not naive. You been moping over the past few weeks..so get to talking" she says sitting across from me at the kitchen table.

"I guess I'm just overwhelmed with everything going on. Dancemania is next week, then prom, exams, and then graduation"

"So your worried"

"Mama worried is not even the word to describe this feeling I have. I have the whole performance in my hands plus my solo piece. What if things turn for the worst? I'm gonna be the joke of the school" I say placing my head in my hands.

"Look at me" she says picking my head up. "My mother use to always say it takes a strong women to challenge herself but it takes a even stronger women to admit when she needs help"

"What does that mean" I ask confused.

She chuckles lightly before saying "It means that seeking help isn't always a bad thing and it doesn't mean your losing, because in the end your going to be the winner" she says looking me in my eyes.

"I swear you always know what to say" I say hugging her tightly as she laughed.

"So anyways how are you and my son doing?"

"We're doing really good. Just dealing with everything thats been going on" I answer truthfully.

"So did that little heffa come back yet?" She ask with a look of disgust on her face.

I just laughed. "Nope she said one day this week".

"What was her damn excuse for leaving in the first place?"

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