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(Say congratulations to the graduates, they made it. Class of 2016!!! Mia, Chris, and Jayla in the MM)

Night before graduation
Jayla P.O.V.
"Jayla why are you sitting down?" I looked over at Mia who had a smile plastered on her face while holding her drink in her hand.

"I got tired. I'll be out there in a few." I lie, showing off my best fake smile while waving her to go back out on the dance floor.

Chris, Mia and I decided to throw the seniors a farewell party at my club and as expected the party was lit. Chris had the hottest DJ's from Miami fly out to host the party and they definitely knew how to keep the party live. We hired professional dancers to dance all night, it was an open bar, and security was in full force. Nobody came with drama but to just have a good time and I was glad we all got to spend our last night together before we graduate and go our separate ways.

Sipping on my drink I bobbed my head to the music that blasted trying to uplift my spirits but unfortunately nothing I did could shake the sadness I held inside. Tomorrow will be one the biggest days of my life and I  can't help but feel sad that I won't be sharing that moment with my birth mother. Granted, Mama Star will be there for me and of course Mia and Chris and all my other friends but a piece of me feels that it won't be complete without my birth mother being there. I've tried searching for her since I found out she was still alive but I keep coming up on dead ends leaving me defeated.

On top of the sadness I already feel, it's bad enough King can't be at the graduation to see me receive my diploma. I've tried convincing the correctional facility to let him be on leave for just that day but they said he isn't allowed to leave the grounds of the jail due to the fact that he only has a few more weeks until he gets out for good.

So now y'all see why I'm not in a partying mood.

"It's lit right?" Chris plops down next to me as he shouted over the music so I could hear him.

I nod my head giving me a genuine smile. The party really did turn out successful. A slow song started to play and I was glad because I was seconds from going deaf. "You having fun?" I ask

He smirked at me, showing off his smile. "You know I'm the life of the party. But for real I can tell you not having fun though." He says seriously.

I shake my head. "I am having fun, my feet just started hurting from these heels I got on." I look down at my heels avoiding eye contact.

He chuckled before grabbing one of the hookah pens on the table in front of us and putting a cap over it before pulling from it, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "You can't fool me JB, I can read people body language very well. So I know damn well ya feet wasn't hurting because you've been in heels for whole ten hour shifts at the boutique without complaining not once. So just tell me wassup?"

I grabbed the other hookah and pulled from it and exhaled before finally looking back at him. "I just wish things could have went how I planned for them to go."

"You talking about King not being home?"

"That and my birth mother. Like who wouldn't want their birth mother to be there to witness their graduation."

"Yeah I feel you. I know me and my moms not that close but I would go crazy if she couldn't be there to see me graduate. Shit, me graduating is a blessing in itself." He joked making us both laugh.

The Life of JB (Urban Story).                                          |Editing|Where stories live. Discover now