❤ Making A New Friend❤

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Jayla POV:

"You know imma always love you right? " King says to me as he looks deep into my eyes as we walk hand and hand down the beach. It was such a amazing day and the weather seemed to be the best ever today. The birds were out and chirping and the sun seemed to just be giving us our own personal heat as we gazed into each other eyes.

"Yes I know" A blushing Jayla says as she looks down at her sand covered feet. Jayla has never felt this way about anybody before and she knew that King was the only one who could come in and make her feel like she could finally have a normal life.

"I love you Jayla" King says leaning in to kiss Jayla but all of a sudden it seemed like the heavens opened up and the rain came down so hard causing Jayla and King to separate and while trying her hardest to grab Kings hand she felt something tugging her back separating them even more. Panicking Jayla begins to cry and she suddenly hears a voice saying "GET UP" getting louder and louder.

"Jayla get yo ass up" Carla screams throwing another bucket of water on Jayla causing her to jump up gasping for breath. "Don't you hear this damn alarm going off...I swear you get on my muthfucking nerves..GET UP" a angry Carla yells, snatching the covers off of Jayla before walking to the door and leaving but not before she slammed it.

I'm up now..thanks to yo rude ass" Jayla angrily mumbles as she gets up out her completely soaked bed to go get dressed for school. This was Jayla's last week of school until spring break and Jayla was more then happy. She knew that after spring break there would only be a month and a few weeks left of school until she graduated. College planning wasn't really on Jayla's mind but she knew she would have to start thinking about it soon.

Ten minutes passed and Jayla did her hygiene and got out the shower feeling and smelling good. She decided to wear her white tank top with red high waisted shorts and her navy blue toms she got for her birthday from the last foster family she stayed with. Jayla knew she didn't have the most or best clothes but what she did have she made sure she took care of them. Jayla vowed to herself that she would try to look her best at school so no one would question how she lived even though she knew she wasn't living the best. Deciding to wear her hair down Jayla let her curly hair fall down her back putting a lil water in it to tame her curls.

Looking in the mirror Jayla actually like what she saw looking back at her causing her to smile.

"I'm leaving" yells Jayla as she jogs down the stairs but not before looking at the kitchen table to see if her foster mother cooked breakfast. Since Jayla moved in not once have breakfast been waiting for her and come to think of it Jayla never had a proper dinner unless she cooked something her self. Grabbing her book bag from on the side of the door Jayla wished she had some money so she could buy something to eat because she was starving.

*Honk Honk*

A car blows their horn behind Jayla causing her to look back and once she did she regreted even looking back. Rolling slowly behind her was an all black BMW that Jayla was all to familiar with and the driver was of course King.

"Good Morning Ma, wanna ride?" King says rolling down the passenger side window to talk to Jayla.

"I thought I told you before my name wasn't Ma. And nahh I'm cool" Jayla looks at him and says before continuing to walk to the bus stop.

"Come on Jayla...I know u not about to walk all the way to yo school. Let me give you a ride" King says pulling over. King sees that Jayla sat down at a bus stop and he immediately knew he didn't want her catching the bus.

"I said I was cool.." says Jayla who scoots over so King could sit down. Jayla noticed that King had on beige cargo shorts with a white wife beater on showing off his tattoos. Damn he look good..thought Jayla as he at down next to her before taking off his Miami Heats snap back to rub his hands over his waves. Looking at him up close Jayla noticed that he had muscles everywhere and them eyes he had just made her weak in the knees.

"So you gone sit here and wait on a bus, when I can take you to school?" a smiling king says as he looked up to look Jayla in the eyes. King had been thinking about Jayla that morning and he knew that if he didn't start to catch her attention he could possibly miss out on a good friend, and possibly a future girlfriend. So when he saw her coming out of her apartment building he followed her until he built up the courage to honk his horn to talk to her.

"I take the bus all the time..i'll be ok. Thanks anyway". says Jayla as she scoots as far as possible on the bench away from King. Jayla knew she wanted a ride to school but she was a little scared of King and these new feelings she had towards him. She still couldn't believe the dream she had this morning.

"ight, well if you gone sit here then I am to" King says reaching into his pocket to take out his iphone..checking his messages to see a few from his friends and one from his little sister. Sending a few replys he looked up to see Jayla staring at him like he was crazy.

"What" a confused King says as he puts his phone away and puts his hat back on. It was already 80 degrees and King knew it was only gonna get worse as the day continued.

Jayla looks around before looking at King in the face "Am I getting punked or something...either you can't understand English or you must trippin" Jayla says with a attitude. She didn't know why he was even bothering her in the first place. It was already hot and Jayla was thinking that maybe it was a bad idea to wear her hair down.

" I told you to let me give you a ride but you being difficult..look I know you don't like me but its hot as hell out here. I KNOW YOU HOT" King laughs causing Jayla to crack a smile.

"Just let me give you a ride and if after today you don't wanna ever see me cool" king says standing up looking down at Jayla.

" ok fine but this is only for one day" says Jayla as she gets up to walk to the car. King let her walk ahead of him so he could check her out and he wasn't disappointed. The shorts Jayla had on fitted her perfectly showing off her small waist and full bottom. King knew Jayla had to be around 17 or 18 but her body showed something different and his body reacted immediately.

As they both got in the car King started the car and cool air blasted out of the vents causing them both to relax. The ride was short and they really didn't talk much but the silence was comfortable. Pulling up into the parking lot not many cars was in the lot and the few kids that were there was either on their phone or doing homework.

"Aye reach in the back for me and hand me that Mc. Donald's bag" says King as he checks his phone for the third time. Jayla reaches behind her and grabs the bag handing it to him. As if her stomach was speaking for her it started to growl loudly.

"You hungry" a laughing King asks as he reaches in the bag and pulls out a breakfast sandwich. "Here you can have this one Ma".

Jayla thanked him and watched as he kills the first sandwich then reach for another one half way finishing that one too. "I wasn't the only one hungry I see" Jayla laughs as she wipes a few crumbs from his face causing him to look her in the eyes.

"I see you got jokes..but yeah a nigga was starving" causing them both to bust out laughing. Looking at the time Jayla knew she had to start going in the building to make it to her first class. Grabbing her book bag she reached to open the door but not before feeling a hand touch her bare thigh. Looking up at King, Jayla knew she had feelings for him.

"Thanks for letting me take you to school, and I think you look beautiful by the way. I do hope you can consider being friends with me" King says showing off his pearly whites and dimples. Before Jayla could turn back around to leave she felt a soft pair of lips on her cheek causing her to stop breathing. Without saying a word Jayla hopped out the car and turning around once she made it to the door to wave bye.

Jayla was feeling a tingling sensation all over her body and she knew she wasn't against making a new friend.

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