❤ Deal With It❤

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Kayla POV:

Hey yall, I'm Kayla the little sister of King's (Picture on the side). I am a junior at Clark High School of the Arts and my major is dance. I've been dancing since I was five and back when my family lived in New Orleans I even used to dance with a professional company. After we moved I sorta stooped. The only time I dance is for class and those are usually boring routines that have no individuality.I guess I just lost my passion for it but I can't quit or I'll get kicked out of school. Im not finna lie I miss back home, but all I knew about the situation was that we had to leave to keep safe.

What the hell do he want, I thought to myself as I looked down at my iPhone 6 reading a txt from my brother King. He hasn't seen me or my mama in two weeks and now he decides to reach out to me. He must done lost his damn mind. I seen him pull up earlier into the school parking lot dropping off some girl but I couldn't see her face. I hope he sticks with this relationship so he can stop bringing them two- dollar hoes into my mama's house.


BigBroK: Where the hell you at? I need to talk to you ASAP

Kayla: What u mean where I'm at? School! Da fuck

BigBroK: Who da fuck u talking to like that? Ma was right u do think u grown.

Kayla: I dont care what ma said. Yall both irri asf

BigBroK: Man whateva imma meet u after school..u need to calm yo ass down yungin.

Kayla: Whateva lol..I gotta go. See u later. Luv

BigBroK: Luv

*End of Convo*

"Ms. Santos would you like to share to the class what is so important on your phone" my English teacher glares at me as he stops his lesson.

"Nope, I'm cool" I say as I roll my eyes and put my phone back into my purse.

I can't wait until the end of the day. I hate it here.

Jayla POV:

Mia has been getting on my nerves asking me about this whole King situation. I dont know why she so damn happy...it ain't like we together. As the school bell rang, I immediately finished up my notes and grabbed my things to leave for my last class. I intentionally avoided Mia, I just needed some space and just needed to clear my head. All last period classes for seniors are what they major in and lucky for me I doubled majored in dance and music. Today was dance for me so I quickly went to my locker and put my books away heading to the dance studio. As I walked passed the office all the memories of me struggling to get in this school came back to me.

*Flash Back*

"Ok students, I just want to say I'm a really gonna miss you all. I know you all are gonna do well in your future and I want all of you to go far in life. I know some of you have so many talents and I hope you all pick the best high schools that will help you reach all your goals. I love you guys" my eighth grade teacher said to our class on the last day of school.

She passed out awards and then gave us this speech about our futures as she became teary eyed. I loved miss Jones so much. She was the only one who knew my home situation and she always helped me out by buying me clothes, shoes, food, and even giving me rides home when Carla would leave me stranded. I didn't want to leave the eighth grade because I wanted to stay with Ms. Jones but she always told me that I had to move on to better things and learn more so I could become successful.

"Jayla can I talk to you" Ms. Jones called out to me as I stayed around while the other kids left for summer vacation.

"Yes" I said as I walked up to her desk

"What's the matter, don't you want to go home and start your summer break. Your going to high school next year. Are you excited" she asked me as she sat down at her desk.

"No" I said teary eyed. " I dont want to go to high school, I want to stay here with you. I promise I'll still do the homework and participate. It would be like I never was here. Please don't make me go to another school where I dont know anybody. I dont even want a summer vacation, I dont wanna be home with Carla. Please Ms. Jones" I cried as I sat down at a chair in front of her. I cried uncontrollably for about five minutes until the only thing that was left was my soft whimpers.

Ms. Jones scooted her chair closer to mine and grabbed my hands into hers and looked me in the eyes. She was the only one that truly cared for me and I just knew I couldn't lose her.

" Your like a daughter to me Jayla and you know I love you so much. But as much as I would love for you to stay with me, we both know that is impossible. You are smart, beautiful, talented, and all I want is the best for you. So I want you to take this packet a have your foster mother fill it out. Clark High School is a arts school and I talked to admissions and they said you can come and audition for them but you have to fill this out first" she said handing me the thick packet.

"She wont fill this out Ms. Jones, she hates me. She doesn't even know what grade I'm in let alone would want to put me in a Arts school" I said as I looked down at the school on the cover. In the back of my mind I knew I would be perfect for this school but I knew things like this didn't happen to people like me.

" You have to try Jayla. You are so gifted and have a passion for dancing and singing. I did my part so I need you to do yours. Think about your future, if you go here you can work on your craft and even get noticed by some important people. At least think about it".

" I'll do my best, thank you Ms. Jones. You always look out for me. I'm gonna miss you...but if I never see you again just know I love you" I said as I hugged her and grabbed my things and left.

The bus ride home all I could think about was how I would get Carla to sign the papers. I knew deep in my heart that I had to be in this school. If it wasn't for music and me dancing I think I would be dead. It took me to a place of peace and that's what I needed the most living with someone who hated me. I vowed to myself that day that I would do anything to get into this school.

*End of Flashback*

" Watch where your going" a girl about my height who was light skinned with thick shoulder length auburn and brown curly hair, yell at me as I accidentally bump into her. The thing that caught my attention was her hazel eyes. For a minute I started to ask her if she was related to King but quickly changed my mind as she already seemed to be upset and anybody could have hazel eyes.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna move" she says as she mugs me waiting for me to move. I couldn't help but notice that she was coming out of the dance studio. She had on a white Nike sports bra with black and purple Nike spandex shorts, similar to my attire but my shorts where pink and black.

"Are u a dancer" I courageously ask.

" Yeah what's does it look like, I'm guessing you are too" she says looking me up and down

before she grabs her water bottle and takes a long drink.

"Well I'm Ja-" I try to say before she cuts me off

"Dont even bother introducing yourself. I know of you...and that's all I need to know. Next time watch where you going" she says as she picks up her gym bag and walks away.

What did she mean she knew of me? I didn't know her, and I sure as hell didn't want to get to know her. I wonder what made her have such a nasty attitude. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head as I entered the class. I seen my friend Justin over in the far corner stretching and he winked at me. I quickly pulled my curls into a messy bun as the music began to start. I could feel every beat pulse through my body making me feel so alive and free. I knew by the end of class I would be sore but to me that was the life of a dancer, and I would happily deal with it.

How do you guys feel about Kayla?

Do you think Jayla will ever see Ms. Jones again?

Who else loves music, or like to dance?

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