❤Quiet Storm:Part 1❤

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King POV:

"Where you going?" I ask Princess as I catch her trying to tip toe out the door without trying to wake me.

"Oh umm.. I didn't want to stay to long..I can get my self home" she says pulling her hair into a pony tail.

"You don't want breakfast ma?" I ask getting up but not before sitting back on the bed. Damn my head hurt.

"Are you serious?" she ask as a smile creeped on her face. I can tell she was shocked.

"Yeah..put ya stuff down" I say getting up to grab her things out her hand and put them on the bed. "I'll fix breakfast after I brush my teeth" I say as I headed in the bathroom.

"I never get to stay for breakfast" Princess mumbles to herself. I guess she thought I didn't hear her but I did.

"You with me now so get used to it" I say coming out the bathroom and grabbing her waist. Damn she beautiful.

"Are you sure this is ok?" She shyly ask me.

"Yes..stop worrying" I say pulling out a t shirt and some gym shorts for her. "As much as I love ya body..you gotta cover up more.. I have a roommate.

"Oh ok...can I meet him?" She ask putting the items on before kissing me.

"Yeah come on" I say grabbing her hand as I lead her down the long staircase into the kitchen.

Jayla POV:

I know yall probably think I'm mad at King but honestly I'm not. Did I hear him and some hoe come in last night?..yes. And did I hear them fucking all night?..yes. But what can I do..Kings gonna do what he wants. I just need to start doing me.

"So did Chris come home last night" I ask Mia over FaceTime as I cooked myself some breakfast.

"Girl..yeah. He had some hickies on his neck but I cussed his ass clean out".

"That's crazy" I say in shock as I flipped my bacon over.

"I know right, I know it was his ex Pink but I ain't trippin. She a hoe and all her friends hoes.

"I bet" I say laughing as I grabbed a plate from the cabinet. I turned back around to see King and some barbie looking bitch walking in the kitchen. "Let me call you back" I say.

"Alright cool..bye chica" Mia says before hanging up.

"Oh King is this your sister? The girl ask as she wraps her hands around his arm.

"Naw, this my roommate. Princess this Jayla and Jayla this Princess" King says as he walks to the refrigerator to get out some orange juice.

"Hi, nice to meet you" Princess says streching out her hand to shake with me. Is this bitch crazy.. This aint no meet and greet. Gtfoh!

"Hi" I say quickly ignoring her hand and making my plate of food.

"Ok..umm are you guys bestfriends? How did yall meet?" She ask as she sits down at the breakfast bar. King looks at her and smile before walking into the living room.

"Look here..don't come up in here asking no questions..so stop the act. You a hoe with no morals and you fake as fuck. Keep yo distance babygirl" I say calmly as I stared her in her eyes.

"Was that suppose to scare me?" She ask smirking. Oh I can tell she gone be trouble.

"No, but keep trying me and you gone get yo ass beat. Because trust me sweetheart.. I can have him if I want him". I say grabbing my plate and walking out, leaving her there speechless and looking stupid.

King POV:

"Princess, come here" I yell out to her.

"Yeah baby" she says walking up to me and sitting on my lap.

"What y'all was talking about?" I ask as I push her hair off her shoulders.

"Nothing much, have y'all ever been a thing before"she ask me.

"Nahh, why you ask that? She said something to you?" I ask her as I lifted her up to straddle me.

"No everything's cool baby. I promise" she says kissing my neck.  Damn that shit feel good!

"Damn, stop before I fuck you on this couch ma" I say rubbing her ass.

"Well stop rubbing on me nigga" she says making us both laugh.

"Tell me about yo self..who is Ms. Princess?"I ask her as I leaned back in the couch.

"Its not much to say.. I'm 19 and I graduated last year. My mother is dead and I don't know my dad. I have no kids and I live by myself. And yes... I strip" she says as she looks down in embarassment .

"Why you strip for" I ask confused.

"My friend told me it was fast money and I needed a job so I did it. I told myself it would only be for a week but now its been a month and I don't think think I can stop.

"Why not" I ask

"The money is good and I need it..at least until I find a real job. You must think I'm crazy huh?" She ask me as she rubs on my stomach.

"Naw, you gotta do what you gotta do. Just don't make a career of it. You don't need to be in a place like that" I say rubbing my hands up her legs.

"Right now I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be" she says sliding down my legs and unbuckling my pants to give me a morning release. Y'all know what happened after that

Kayla POV:

"Yes, he really hit me" I say to Tye as I layed on his chest at his house.

"Maybe he just going through a lot babe...you know he didn't mean it" Tye says running his hands through my curly hair.

"He not the same no more..I just want my old brother back" I say as a tear escaped my eye.

"Maybe my pops can talk to him..they always been close"he says kissing my cheek.

Tye Sr. and King have always been close even though King doesn't like Tye being around me. Tye Sr. was Kings guidance counsler at his high school and helped him through a lot.  Ever since he graduated King hasn't been the same..maybe a talk from him wouldn't hurt.

"That would be good..they could catch up too. Thanks bae you always know the right thing to say"I say kissing him on the lips.

"I'm always here for you...now let me show you how much I appreciate you. He says reaching under my dress to find my moist honey pot. Let the rounds begin!





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