❤ Doing Me❤

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Jayla POV:

So I'm on my hands and knees scrubbing this dirty ass floor and for what? Carla got me cleaning this damn house because the social worker suppose to be coming out today. I swear I hate this fucking house. Two weeks need to hurry the hell on because as soon as it comes I'm packing the little shit I have and leaving. Now I gotta act like shit is so perfect here just so Carla can get the check the government give her for taking care of me. And as you can guess it, she don't give me none of that money...not one penny.

"Yo ass need to hurry up and clean this house up, before that white bitch come in here" Carla says as she walks into the kitchen to grab her pack of cigarettes from the counter.

"Well maybe if you keep the house clean, when I do clean it up..then we wouldn't be having this problem" I say as I put the sponge back into the dirty bucket of paper and then take it out, squeezing the remainder of the water on the floor.

"What the fuck you just say" Carla ask, walking up to me with her cigarette in her mouth.

"I said may- I began to say but before I could finish my sentence, I felt a hard slap come across my face. I felt my head being pulled up by my hair and my eyes met hers.

"What did I tell you about talking to me like that? You better be lucky that women coming or I would beat yo ass. Keep trying me Jayla, imma hurt you lil girl" she says as she glared down at me, still gripping my hair.

"Let me go" I say through clenched teeth. I was getting so fed up with her hitting me and thinking she can get away with it.

"Or what? You gone hit me? I wish you would, I'll have yo ass in a body bag. Try me. So what I advise yo wanna be smart ass to do, is clean this house up and get dressed. Understand?

"Yeah, whatever" I say snatching my head away from her, wiping my tears away. I hate crying in front of her. I swear when I leave im never looking back. She can rot in hell for all I care.

*Thirty Minutes Later*

"So it looks like everything is good, the house looks very tidy and clean. Jayla are you comfortable now living here, I know last time we talked you still were a little uncomfortable" the social worker looked at me, waiting for my response.

"Umm...yeah im becoming more comfortable here" I say looking at the social worker then at Carla who sits at the other couch eyeing my every move.

"Are you able to have a lil free time with friends, you know hang out with your friend Mia?" she ask looking down at the folder that holds all my information since I been in the system. I knew if I didn't say something now then my plan would fail so I just went for it.

"Well I mostly come home right after school because I have chores" I say looking directly at Carla who was turning red in the face. "But since I've been doing so good in school Carla promised that she would let me get out more. She even said she would buy me a phone so I can stay in contact with her when I'm at school..

I know what yall thinking, why in the hell would I do that? But if I didn't then my plan wouldn't come together how I wanted it to. I know once I mention anything to the social worker she always make sure I got it. And I really needed a phone...I mean I am seventeen going on eighteen.

"Oh well that sounds lovely, I'll be calling in the next few days to see if you got more free time and your phone. Other then that everything looks good" she said standing up a walking to the door and leaving.

I turned around from closing the door to see Carla sitting on the couch with a blank expression..I didn't know if she was mad or not but I wasn't gonna stick around and find out. I walked up the stairs and almost made it to my room before I got called back down.

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