❤Putting The Pieces Together❤

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King P.O.V.
"Man I think you really need to go to the hospital" I say holding pressure to Chris bleeding wound.

"Fuck no!"

"Nigga you bleeding out to much"

"I dont give a fuck, hand me them towels". He says wincing in pain as he tried to sit up fully.

I pulled a few towels from the cabinet before wrapping them around his arm. I got here apparently to late because the trap looked a damn mess. Dead bodies covered the floor downstairs and every room was destroyed.

"How the hell you get hit from up here?" I ask as I put the combination into the safe.

"Some bitch ass nigga came in here, talking shit. I told that nigga if he had a problem to shoot my ass. So he had some balls and shot me but not before I shot his ass in the neck and leg" he said smirking.

I nodded my head and laughed. "Its like you to tell somebody to shoot yo ass then get mad when they do".

"He better be glad I blacked out before I could finish his ass off".

"Did you recognize him?" I ask.

"Hell nah, but he left this note" he said tossing me the note.

The last time I had a note left for me I didn't pay to much attention to it but I guess I should have.

You took me for a joke once but now I'm here to finish things off. Let the games begin.

Wtf! I thought to myself as I paced the room. I legit don't know who the fuck got the courage to fuck with me.

"You good bro?"

"Yeah, come on I gotta go figure this shit out" I say helping him up off the floor to take him back to my house.

Jayla P.O.V.

"Shit, why is he not answering" I thought to myself in a panic as I tried calling King for the third time.

I was on my way home from school when this weird feeling washed over me. So when this all black truck started to follow me, I immediately grabbed my phone to call King.

"Shit, what the hell am I gonna do" I spoke out loud to myself as I switched lanes and looked in my rear view mirror. Of course the truck was still following me and at this point picking up speed.


"Mama Star I need help" I said almost in tears over the phone.

"Calm down, and tell me what's the matter".

I looked again in the rearview mirror and switched another lane. "I'm on my way home but this truck is following me..please help me"

"Ok from this point on out do as I say..everything. Ok?

"Yeah, ok. Hurry they speeding up" I say picking up my speed to about 60. Let's not forget that I'm on neighborhood streets not the free way.

"Calm down, now buckle your seat belt and turn on your hazard lights because its about to get serious"

The Life of JB (Urban Story).                                          |Editing|Where stories live. Discover now