❤️Authors Note/Q&A

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Heyy y'all! So yes of course the book has ended and I just wanted to thank all my readers again for supporting me. All the comments and votes helped push me to make this book great, and so I thank all of you. Initially when I started to write this book, believe it or not I didn't have in mind what each chapter was going to be about. I would just free write and let things flow how I wanted them to go and surprisingly it worked out great.

Yes the sequel is already created and I will have chapter one up in the next few weeks. I want you guys to support the sequel which will be called The Life Of K&J: Never Ending. Please support the sequel and add it in your reading list because this one is going to be way more mature, Jayla is really going to start to blossom and you'll see more of her personality, King is going to do some life changes as well as face new challenges and of course more real life events. Without telling y'all to much, just know the sequel will be worth reading! 
So without further a due here is your favorite characters Q&A! Enjoy 💜

Q: Jayla are you happy with how your life has turned around minus the fact that you haven't found your birth mom?
A: Yes, I'm happy as of right now. I think the move to California will really be good for me to start a better life for myself. Of course I'm still searching for my birth mom and I do have faith that I will find her.

Q:King are you excited for the move and to be attending school?
A: Yeah that move should be dope, I'm excited for it. Getting back into school might take me some time to get use to but I'll be good.

Q: Kayla you were upset about King and Jaylas news when they announced it. How do you feel now?
A: I still don't understand why they have to move but obviously my opinion doesn't matter. I still love them, I just don't agree with the decision.

Q: Chris what are your plans now that you have graduated?
A: To be honest I still don't know. The whole school thing not for me so I think I'll finally use the money I've been saving from selling, and maybe open up my own gun shop. Teach these niggas how to actually work a gun ya know?

Q: Mama Star so are you in Isiah getting back together.
A: Y'all nosey, but umm I don't know. Follow my babies on they journey and you might find out.

Q: Mia what do you plan to do since your out of high school?
A: Well I'll be attending Spelmen coming this fall and I also plan to go to cosmetology school. Hopefully I can work my way up and become a celebrity MUA.

Q: Isiah are you happy you reconnected with your family? Why did you leave to begin with?
A: I already explained myself so I'm not about to do it again.

Q: Princess where did you go? Oh and how is the baby? I guess you know now to never lie to the wrong people ever again, right?
A: Don't worry about where I went or about my baby. And fuck all them, they all crazy and need help.

Q: We haven't heard from you in a while Angel. How have you been? Have you heard about Kings good news?
A: I'm doing good and yeah I heard. That's cute or whatever that they getting married. I wouldn't be surprised if they divorced the next year. I know King, you might think he changed but he ain't nothing but a street nigga. Just know I had him first and I most definitely can have him again. But congratulations to them though.

Q: Back to you Chris, do you regret killing Tye Sr. or anybody else?
A: Why the fuck would I regret that? He deserved what he got. I bet he in hell burning in regret about all the shit he put my sister through. Yeah I'm changing for the better but at the end of the day I'm still me, you mess with my family just know Chaos will pay you a visit.

Q: How are you dealing with the lose of baby Kehlani? Do you think you'll ever forgive Tye Jr. Mia?
A: Everyday it gets better, I won't lie some days it's so hard to think about. But I know my baby girl is watching over me and I love her dearly. And I've already forgiven Tye Jr. I just hope he gets well.

Q: Justin what are your plans for the future?
A: Well right now I think I'm just going to travel and visit different studios. Hopefully I can dance back up for some upcoming artist real soon.

Q: Have y'all set a wedding date yet King?
A: Not yet but I honestly don't care when it is, as long as we do it that's all that matters.

Q: Kayla what do you plan to do over the summer and then the upcoming fall?
A: Well this summer I might just go and visit my brother in LA. Then when I get back I'll just be going to school since this is my senior year.

Q: Isiah do you plan to work things out with Star?
A: I would like to but I won't pressure her into that. I just want to be in my kids life and make up for old times.

Q: Jayla do you want a big wedding? Do you plan to start on kids right away?
A: I actually don't want a big wedding, as long as my main people are there then it should be fine. And no I don't want to have babies right away. I really want to go out to LA and make a name for myself and open up my studio and start to work with professional dancers.

Q: Justin do you still have a crush on Jayla?
A: Umm I wouldn't call it a crush. Of course JB is beautiful and talented and she makes it impossible for you not to like her. I respect her relationship and I love the friendship that we have. Who knows, we might run into each other in LA.

Q: Chris are you happy to be done with the streets?
A: It's half and half. I'm glad I don't have to keep hearing Mia fussing at me but I will miss the fast money.

Q: Can you leave your supporters something to hold on to until you begin your new journey King?
A: Of course. Well first I want to say I got love for all of y'all because y'all been down with me since day 1, even when I was acting dumb as hell. I want y'all to know its gone be more of me, I'm about to grind on a whole new level and really make my family proud. Keep rocking with me y'all. One love.

Q: Jayla can you leave your supporters with something until you start your new journey?
A: Yes, firstly I would like to say I love all of you guys. Y'all supported me and kept me lifted up when I was at my lowest points in my life. I consider each of you my friends and I will never forget that. This move is going to be something serious, the old Jayla is about be left in the past and the new Jayla will soon be introduced. Me and King about to take over LA, y'all just be ready.

If you want anything else to be answered just comment your questions. Love you guys 💜

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