❤Death In The Family❤

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Kayla P.O.V.
Please Lord don't let me lose my baby! I kept repeating this in my head as I sat on the bathroom floor holding my stomach. The cramps that I was having was excruciating and blood kept running down my legs. I couldn't even move to make it back to my bed, so the only person I thought to call was Jayla.

Tears continued to stream down my face as I thought of the reaction Jayla might have. She might be pissed at me or even worse disappointed. I hope she doesn't bring King. I know getting pregnant wasn't my fault but I couldn't stand to look in his face to see the hurt he would have in his eyes.

Please hurry up.

Jayla P.O.V.
"Slow the hell down!" King yells at me as he hold on to the dashboard.

"I'm sorry but this is an emergency" I say slowing down a little.

"Its probably nothing bae, she probably being dramatic like always."

"No, she sounded like something was really wrong King"

I pull up to King gate and punch in the code before it slowly opened. I sped up the driveway and didn't even bother to park correctly. I sped walked up the steps before using my key to open up the door.

"Kay!?" King calls out.

"I'm up here" we both heard as we both raced up the stairs.

We checked every room but still couldn't find her then we could see the light underneath the bathroom glowing in her room.

"Kay, you ok?" I say slowly opening up the door.

The site before me made me cover my hand over my mouth. Kayla was on the floor in a puddle of blood holding her stomach as tears streamed down her face. She was shaking uncontrollably and the blood just wouldn't stop.

"Please help me" she pleads, looking up at us.

We both rushed over to her as I grabbed plenty of towels from the closet.

"Kay, what the hell is going on?" King said as tears glistened in his eyes.

"Why are you bleeding so much?" I say wiping off some of the blood from her legs.

She doubled over in pain still clutching her stomach. "Please, I need to go to the hospital."


"But nothing King, get me to a fucking hospital...NOW!"

He quickly picked her up bridal style as we raced out the house. I got in the driver side as he got in the back with Kayla. I was running through every red light and stop sign possible and I prayed we wouldn't get pulled over or worse..in a accident.

"Bae, hurry up, she going unconscious!"  King yells at me making me flinch and speed up.

I quickly wiped my eyes as tears blurred my vision. I quickly pulled into the emergency room parking lot before parking the car. Tears streamed down my face as I watched King run into the hospital holding a unconscious Kayla.

"Please, we need a doctor for my sister!" King says to the nurse at the front desk.

"Fill out this chart-"

"Bitch I'm not filling out no fucking chart, dont you see my fucking sister uncouncious and you talking bout a damn chart" He screams at her throwing the chart on the floor.

"Look sir-"

"Bitch my fucking sister is sick, now get us a fucking doctor before I beat ya ass" I say grabbing the front of her shirt.

She quickly alarmed for a nurse before they all came rushing over to us. They placed her on a stretcher before telling us to wait in the waiting room until a doctor came out to talk to us.

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