End Of Time:Part 4

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Jayla P.O.V.
"Pull the trigger!" Chris screams at me as I held my gun up to Carla's head.

I stood in the middle of the basement floor of the trap as tears poured down my face and sweat formed on my forehead. I held the gun against her head with unstable hands as I fought an internal battle with myself. Did I really want to kill her? What good would it do? Would it take back the years of her beating me? Could I really have this on my conscious?

"Jayla fucking pull it!" I flinch once again at the sound of Chris's harsh voice.

"J, if you can't do it, let me do it for you." King says as he stood behind me reaching for the gun.

"She got it, chill." Chris says pushing King's hand down. "Don't let her ass get away with this Jayla, the abuse she caused you, mental and physical scars. If that's not enough just look what she did to my girl." He says pointing over at Mia who sat quietly while silently crying. 

This morning was nothing but crazy. We all decided to have a late breakfast since its been crazy the past months, just to catch up. I was suppose to pick Mia up and then meet the guys at the Waffle House but once I got to her house all hell broke loose. I walked in to see Mia getting jumped by not only Carla but Tye Jr. and some other random guy who I guess was helping them. So without hesitation I helped my friend and even though they was getting the best of us at first, we pulled it together and kicked some fucking ass. Mia took Carla and I took Tye and as soon as we got the upper hand Mia eventually ran to get her gun shooting the random guy and Tye. I punched Carla unconscious as Mia called up King and Chris.

Long story short they came but not before Tye Jr. got away before we could stop him. Once they got there they shot and killed the random guy and I fought Carla one on one again with the help of King. Mia was beaten up pretty bad as a result, she had a busted lip, big knots on her forehead, scratches on her face, and a bruised rib. I don't even need to tell y'all how pissed off Chris was. He cussed the whole way to the hospital and while we was there, he almost fought a nurse and once we got back to the trap he wanted to fuck up Carla but King wouldn't let him.

So now I'm standing here being pressured to kill the person that has caused me some much pain but I was having a hard time pulling the trigger.

"Don't do shit that you don't want to do J, be smart." King says standing behind me.

"Do it! You'll be better off doing it before I do." Carla says looking up with her black swollen eyes.

"Do it!" Chris yells.

"Do it for me Jayla." Mia pleads.

"Be smart J, I got ya back." King encourages.

All of them talking at once wasn't helping the situation and it just made me grow even more nervous then before.

"Everybody just shut the fuck up!" I scream looking around at each of them.
Carla cackled out a laugh. "She told y'all." She teased as Chris moved forward to hit her but King held him back.

"You shut the fuck up too bitch." I yell hitting her in the face with the butt of my gun.

"Look who done grew some balls. I guess you was tired of me whooping yo ass huh?" She ask smirking while wiping off her bloody lip.

"You can say whatever you want but just remember I have the upper hand." I say waving the gun in her face.

"Do you? I been here almost a hour and the only thing you did was rough me up. You not about to kill me Jayla, it's not in you."

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