❤️New Beginnings/ Epilogue❤️

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This is the last chapter for this book! 😰We came a long way and its been fun writing it. Who's excited for the Sequel?
Let go baby." I could feel Jayla's fingers digging into my back, her legs shaking around my waist, and her moans drowning out the music we had playing as we let our bodies work together to create this feeling that we both missed.

Gripping the headboard I hit her with a hard thrust making me close my eyes and savor the euphoric feeling that took over me. Matching me thrust for thrust we both took each other's bodies to new heights, not caring that our limbs were weak and drained, our bodies were covered in a sheen of sweat, both breathing hard, and that the headboard was minutes from splitting in half due to it harshly pounding up against the wall.

"Shit." We made eye contact as we both found our release making me collapse full body on Jayla's chest. 

Minutes passed as we both laid in a comfortable silence in the afterglow of our love making. Me running my hand lazily down her arm and her rubbing my head; I could feel sleep trying to pull me under.

"You better not fall asleep." I quickly popped my eyes open at the sound of her voice.

Rolling over and off of her I laid beside her as my arm propped my head up. "But I'm tired, let's resume in 10 minutes. I joke laying on her bare chest as she laughed.

"Well while you sleep I'm about to get in the shower." She kissed my cheek, proceeding to get up but I just pushed her back down as I ran my hands up her thighs.

I smirked looking down at her. "I changed my mind. Another round?" I ask running kisses down her neck and along her jawline.

Smacking her teeth she made a whining noise making me laugh. "Nooo King, for real I'm tired." She made a pouting face as I flicked her bottom lip.

"That's to bad Ma." Putting my full weight on her I kissed her repeatedly as I interlocked our fingers together ignoring the fact that she was playfully squirming underneath me trying to break free.

"Stop King, answer your phone." She better be lucky my phone started to ring and it was my moms because I was about to violate.

"Hey Ma." I say answering the phone.

"Don't hey Ma me. Why you haven't you been answering my calls?"

"I was busy, my bad I didn't hear it."

"Mhm you must think I'm stupid. Where my daughter at?" She ask.

I laughed looking down at Jayla who was underneath me rubbing her neck where I left a few love bites on her skin while she looked at her phone.  "You really want to know?"

She smacked her teeth. "Don't make me kick y'all asses. I expect y'all to be in this meeting within the next hour."

I chuckled before fully sitting up on the side of the bed. "Ard, Ma I got you. We on our way."

Disconnecting the call I looked over at Jayla as I watched her scroll away on her phone. After the dinner yesterday we've literally been locked away sexing on each other. The only time I would let up is for us to use the bathroom and to eat and right after we was back doing the same thing. We was so focused on each other that we both forgot we had a meeting with our accountant at the club to talk about some business deals.

Snatching her phone out her hand I looked down to see all the likes and comments we had on our proposal video on Instagram. "Damn they blowing ya page up."

"Everybody saying that can't believe we getting married." She sat up on her knees looking over my shoulder as she read the comments with me.

"I don't know why they so damn surprised. I told you from jump soon as we made it official you wasn't going no where. This shit forever."

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