❤One Step Closer❤

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Jayla P.O.V.
"We missed you at prom. I for sure thought you would be there."

"No, I had other plans. I heard it was lit though. Congrats on being prom king." I smile over at  Justin who sat next to me in class.

Today was senior exams and after today I wouldn't have to come back until graduation rehearsal. To say I was geeked was an understatement. In another hour I'm out this bitch for good.

"You know if you would have came you would of been Queen right?"

"Justin you better not be flirting with me." I say hitting his arm.

"I'm not..well maybe I am a little. Can you blame me though? We would of been the fylest King and Queen ever."

I rolled my eyes flagging him off. "Well it's ok, I have my very own "King" at home waiting for me."

"Damn..straight like that? Just throw that in my face." He says laughing while mushing my head.

"I'm just letting you know fool."

The exams were passed out and Justin winked at me before concentrating on his exam. The exam went by smoothly because I made sure to stay up and study and of course I made King stay up with me. He was grouchy this morning when he had to drop me off but he'll be ok.

"All pencils down and exams face down." My teacher announced.

She came around and collected all of the exams before officially dismissing us. I walked out of class heading to my locker to clean it out as I seen people walking around signing yearbooks and talking to one another. It was becoming bittersweet to me that I'm weeks away from finishing high school and starting my new journey into adulthood.

"Guess what big head?" I hear Chris say from behind me. I turn around to see him holding up a piece of paper with a big ass smile plastered on his face.

"What ugly?" I ask.

"They done fucked around and passed ya boy. I got all my credits and it looks like imma be on the honor roll." He said proudly, pushing the paper up into my face.

"Aww brother, you did it!" I say jumping on him as he swung me around in midair.

"Like this shit just made me hella happy. I stopped smoking for a whole three days to study for these exams."

"That goes to show you, that you don't need weed to function."

He looked at me and bust out laughing. "Now you going to far. That's a damn lie." He says making me laugh.

We walked to my locker where he helped me clean out my locker. Going to a Arts school you get to keep your same locker for as long as you attend there so just imagine how mines look. I have several pair of my ballet shoes stuffed in here, pictures, cards, random papers, my locker mirror, makeup and other random stuff.

"You decide on where you going for school?" Chris ask as we finally finished cleaning out my locker.

"Not yet, I know I want to open my own studio up but I also want to go to a school to get my degree in business and Choreography."

"Just do both. You capable to do anything you put your mind to. If you could make the school show look like a whole ass production just imagine if you had your own dance company. I mean you all in the paper, I'm sure tons of people would come out and audition to get in."

The Life of JB (Urban Story).                                          |Editing|Where stories live. Discover now