❤Cry For Help❤

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I dedicate this chapter to JaayyeLovee

Who have been such a huge supporter to me and my books and my fellow followers! Your amazing love!

Jayla P.O.V:

"Ok so run this back to me again"

"I'm pregnant and I've been trying to get in touch with King but he won't return my calls".

"I mean no disrespect but you are a stripper..how do you know if its his"

"Look I get that you might not believe me but I'm telling the truth. I get that me and King will never be together but I'm more concerned about my baby at this point"

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Can I talk to him?"

"I don't think that's a good ide-"

"Please this is my only chance that he might listen"

I walk back upstairs trying to contain my anger and I knew if I didn't control myself I would hurt somebody. Its seems like once me and King get in a good place..something comes and fuck it up.

"Who was at the door" he ask me

"Its for you. You should come downstairs" I say before turning back around and walking back downstairs.

"Why the hell are you here" King says coming down the stairs.

"You need to stop avoiding me and take responsibility for our baby" Princess says holding her stomach.

"I told you that's not my baby"

"Yes the fuck it is King. Your gonna be a father so get over it.

"Man fuck that!" He say walking away into the kitchen.

Even though he might be mad I'm not gonna let him treat her this way. I mean the baby could be his.

"What's the problem King?"

"She lying. I'm not about to take care of a baby that's not mine" he say pacing the kitchen floor.

"How do you know its not yours. She said y'all was drunk the night you didn't use a condom" I say crossing my arms.

"I get that I was drunk but I never go in raw. I remember strappin up. You gotta believe me" he say trying to grab my waist.

I push his hands away " I don't know what to believe. All I know is that you got somebody possibly pregnant and you in here throwing a tantrum when you need to be out there figuring stuff out. Now its a 50/50 chance that the baby is yours. So step up and do what you gotta do" I say

"Why?! I know she lying. Why I can't just wait until the baby born and get a blood test?"

"Because if I was pregnant I wouldn't want you to do that to our baby"

I guess that struck a nerve in him because he soon went out there and they talked about things.

I still can't believe she might be pregnant with my boyfriends baby!

King P.O.V:

"So all that shit went down last night?"

"Yes nigga, keep up" I say annoyed.

I was at home by my lonely before Chris hit me up to smoke. Jayla got up this morning and didn't say not two words to me. Her and Kayla got dressed and got picked up by some dude Jayla knew. I need to talk to her ass about that when she get back too.

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