❤ I'm In Love With A Stripper❤

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King POV:

I decided I just needed to go out tonight to clear my head. I'm tripping hard. I know I seemed kinda mean to Jayla but sometimes I just don't want to be bothered.

*Doorbell Rings*

"JB get the door" I yell from upstairs as I sprayed my Versace cologne on me.

I walked downstairs to see Chris and Mia sitting on the couch talking to Jayla.

"You ready" Chris ask me getting up to give me dap.

"Yeah, let's get out'chea" I say grabbing my car keys off the table.

"Umm Chris you need to be on yo best behavior. Don't make me have to show my ass and come get you" Mia says staring at Chris.

"Chill bae" a laughing Chris says after kissing her on the lips.

I looked over at Jayla and she seemed sad..and I know its because of me.

"Let me holla at'cha" I say to Jayla as I touch her arm.

She nodded her head and we walked into the kitchen to have some privacy, Mia and Chris was staring us down..like damn.

"Nigga if you wanted to kiss her, you could have done it in here. We know y'all like each othet bro" Chris yells from the living room.

"He is crazy" Jayla says giggling. I love that sound.

"You cool" I say pushing her curls behind her ear.

"Yeah I'm cool..how long you plan to be out" she says looking at her nails. I don't even think she care.

"For a while " I say a little annoyed.

"Ok, well gone and run off to them hoes you love to entertain" she says trying to push pass me to leave out the kitchen.

"What's up with you JB" I ask confused. I don't understand why she got the attitude. I'm the one with the problems.

"Are you serious" she ask me running her hands through her hair. "One minute we're cool and we have some type of connection and then the next minute you act like I'm a random off the street. I'm not your fucking punching bag King, your not gonna take your anger out on me and expect me to be cool with it".

"I don't know what you talking bout ma" I say denying it. She was right though!

" You never do, if we're gonna be strictly roommates then cool, I'll find a job and help out. So cut all the extra bullshit out. You can do you King..seriusly. I'm not your girl anyways " she says as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. I know I hurt her. Damn!

"Come here" I say to her as I try to pull her into a hug. I hate seeing her like this.

"Just go King, have fun" she says before walking out the kitchen.

I walked out the kitchen feeling hella stupid...I just can't win today. Chris had his head in Jayla lap while his legs was resting on Mia. They was watching a movie.

"Nigga get up, let's go" I say putting my gold Rolex on my wrist before throwing on my gold chain.

"Damn where you going, a fashion show" Chris ask. I had on black Levis with a white and black Versace shirt with my cocaine white Tims and my gold jewelry.

"Nawwh to yah mama house' I say laughing.

"Damn bae...he called yo mama out" Mia says chiming in.

"Its cool bae..he just mad cuz I blew his mama back out...ABOUT A WEEK AGO!!" He yells before doing he schmoney dance. We all bust out laughing...this Nigga stupid.

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