❤End Of Time Pt1❤

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King POV:
"Is pastor bailey available?"

"Do you have an appointment?" 

"No, I don't but I really need to speak with him."

"I'm sorry but you have to make an appointment sir." 

"Look I dont have time for this..sorry" I say pushing pass her to walk in his office.

"You can't be in here sir, I'm gonna call the police"

"Sister White its ok, I know him" Pastor Bailey says getting up to calm his assistant down.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes before walking out leaving us two alone.

"King, nice to see you again."

"You thought I wasn't gonna come back?"

"Well you didn't make a appointment, so how was I suppose to know."

"That's sorta over rated to be making appointments. This is a church right, its open to everyone. Right?"

"That's right. So what can I do for you?"

I sat down in a chair as he went to sit behind his desk.

"I need you to do that talking shit you do to calm me down." I say resting my head in my hands.

He chuckled before pulling out a pen and pad. "You make me sound like a shrink Kingston."

"You something like that"

"Ok, well just tell me how are you feeling today."

I looked up at him. "I'm feeling real angry right now."

"Why is that?"

"Cuz these fuck niggas-.. oh my bad pastor.. Uhh I mean these dudes are bothering me."

"Let's change gears for a minute Kingston"

"No, we don't need to change gears. I came to talk about one subject not my whole life."

"Do you want me to help you or not?" He ask with a no none sense voice as he stared at me.


"Alright then. Now let me do my job and you sit back and get that bass out your voice."

"Yes sir"

"And bet not another damn cuss word leave ya mouth again boy"

I cracked a smile before nodding. I could of sworn he just cussed though but ok.

"So I want to start off from where we left. So did you and Jayla get back together?"

"Yeah we did." I said smiling at the thought.

"You seem happy about that"

"I am, I knew we would get back together. I really feel like we meant to be."

"How did y'all make up?"

I gave him the you know how look, making him laugh.


"You really finna make me say this?" I ask a little embarrassed.

He nodded.

"We had sex"

"How much?"

"Yo pastor I'm not about to tell you about my sex life with my girl. Don't you find that kinda weird?

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