A, B, C, Thingy

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I don't know what the hell this is but a lot of you have been tagging me in it soo ...I guess its a positive thing. Here goes mine:
A- AllyT143
B- bparks3
C- -Confidence-
D- Dejamarie1232
E eunie827
F funnbunn11
G GiamoniCooper
H HeeelloPurp_
I @Itsss_Mookaaa (bae)
J JaayyeLovee (bae)
K KiKi_GottaLuvMe
M Mushii16__
N nasha38
P Papialexis33
Q Meeeeee!
R Raye_Ray
S SavannaBriana
T TaylorGang-
U uniquequeen03
V Vanyelle_Gabria
W weirdo-with-internet
X xoxo_NICOLE_xoxo
Y yannipooh12
Z zaysvibes

Yes I am aware that I dont know some of you..so please dont take this as a offense. Congrats on making the List! ❤

Even if you didn't I love all my readers and supporters..all you guys are my friends!

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