❤End Of Time: Pt 3❤

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Jayla P.O.V.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast, so I happily woke up and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. King didn't come home last night which had me worried out of my mind but I knew he was handling business so I let him be. I learned from Mia that they caught Tye Sr. and to be honest I really don't know how I feel about it. A part of me want him to suffer for what he did to me but then another side of me doesn't want King to do something that he might regret in the future. So at this point I'm mute on the situation.

"Well look who decided to come home" I tease, leaning against the kitchen door. 

"Good morning ma" He reply's smiling bright at me as he opened up his arms. 

I gladly walked into them as I let his strong arms pull me in and hold me close as his cologne filled my nostrils. Really getting a good look at him I noticed that he had on a different pair of clothes from yesterday. Time to go into investigation mode. 

"Why you got on different clothes Kingston? I ask pushing away from him. 

"Oh you gotta say my government name, I guess you serious." He joke before sitting down to eat his food. 

I straight faced him. "No deadass, I'm serious. Why you got on a whole new fit from yesterday?"

"J now you know what I was doing yesterday. Fucking around with Chris ass, you know that nigga crazy. I had to clean that place up so that shit wouldn't track back to us. So calm yo wanna be Spy Kids ass down." He say making me fall out laughing. 

"You better be lucky yo story add up, or that was gone be yo life." I mush his head before grabbing a plate of food sitting next to him. "So its the weekend and I'm finally not busy with teaching any dance classes, so I was wondering if we could go on a date."

"A date J?" He ask grinning at me. 

"Yeah, we haven't be on one in a long time. Like I want to have the full effect too, like we both dress up and go somewhere nice. So how about it?" I say placing my head on his shoulder as I gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could give. 

He sighed loudly before kissing my forehead. "Don't be mad J, but I don't think we can go tonight. I know I been slacking on my duties and no doubt imma fix it, but right now I just need to get all this negative shit cancelled out our life."

"Really?" I ask disappointed. 

"Yeah ma, all this shit just got me on edge. I want all this shit to go away so I gotta do what I have to do. For us."

"Fine but you owe me big time." I pout.

"You know I got, here I got something for you." He says pulling a pair of keys from out of his pocket. 

"King I told you I wanted to buy it myself."I say punching his arm but no doubt still happy.

"Now you don't have to. You should of known I was gonna get it for you."

He grabbed my hand and lead me out the out the back door that connected to the garage. There it was with a big red bow sitting on the hood. My Bugatti Veyron. It was silver with all black interior and it was the exact one I told King about like a month ago.  

"I was gonna get it for your graduation but I just couldn't wait. That's the one you wanted right?" He ask grabbing me around my waist from behind as he placed his chin on top of my head. 

"Yeah its the exact one. Thank you Kingston." I turn around to kiss his lips. 

"You welcome Jayla, now come on I gotta talk to you about something."

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