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Kayla P.O.V.
"So what did you have to talk about?"

"You haven't been coming around and I just wanted to know why?"

Its been over a month since I've talked to Tye and so when he called me up, so we could talk I decided to come over.

"I've just been busy with school and dancing" I shrug. "I've just been so busy".

"To busy to make time for me? And I thought you was done with dancing...so now you lying to me too?" He says raising his voice.

I took a good look at Tye and I realized that maybe King was right. Tye isn't the guy for me, if he really loved me he would understand that I have to do good in school and that I love to dance, regardless of what I go through. But looking at him now all I see is a insecure, drunk asshole who doesn't deserve me.

"Tye, your drunk and I'm leaving" I say grabbing my purse to leave.

"No..no your going to sit there and listen" he says throwing me back on the bed.

I rubbed my arm where his grip was at as a burning sensation shot up my arm. He went to his door and stood in front of it while his whole demeanor changed. His hands shook slightly, and his eyes held no trace of softness but only anger.

"Tye, I'm not playing around let me go"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" he yells throwing one of his golf trophies at me, I ducked in time as it crashed against the wall.

"Are you out of your mind! Let me go now!" I say as my voice cracked and tears began to build in my eyes.

"You lied Kayla, you said you loved me. Remember that?" He paced in front of me. "I trusted you and you broke it.." He said gripping my upper arms again.

"Let go of me, what the hell is wrong with you?" I squirm trying to get out of his hold.

"You wanna know what's wrong with me?.. Huh? Maybe you should ask your good for nothing, punk ass brother". 

"Watch ya fucking mouth Tye, let my brother find out about this shit and that's yo life" I say pushing him off me as I stood up.

I tried walking out the door again but a hard slap landed across my face and I was pushed back on the bed as he sat on top off me.

"Get off of me" I scream as I tried bucking him off of me as tears streamed down my face.

"You talk to fucking much..shut up" he says punching me in the face. He pins my arms above my head and starts to kiss on my neck.

"Please stop" I silently cry as blood dripped down my nose.

"I thought I could trust you, but your nothing but a scandalous bitch. Your brother ruined my whole family" he rips open my shirt and starts to kiss on my breast.

"I don't know what your talking about Tye..just let me go"

"Don't play dumb Kayla, you know what happened. Your brother tells you everything"

I looked up in his face and thought I would play along. Maybe if I play nice then I could get out of here safe.

"Look baby, I don't know what's going on so just tell me so I can help you. Ok?" I say holding his face in my hands to make him look me in the eyes.

"My dad was in the hospital and it was because your fucking brother beat him into a coma. He woke up yesterday and a note was there for my mom telling her about a affair he had. She wants a divorce" he said as a tear slipped out his eye.

The Life of JB (Urban Story).                                          |Editing|Where stories live. Discover now