❤️Court Date❤️

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Jayla P.O.V.
Today is King's court date and I am a complete mess. I've had morning sickness all weekend and now Monday morning made it no different. I couldn't even leave the house because every time I think I'm done being sick it hits me again. The whole crew was coming to support King today at the court house, his mom, Kayla, Mia, Chris and surprisingly his dad. I was glad they all were understanding and not mad about them not knowing what has been going on but in my defense King didn't want anyone to know. The only person who's pissed at me and especially King is Chris. I can totally understand why he would be mad, his BestFriend has been in jail for a month in some weeks and the last thing he heard about him was that he was locked up with no bail. So I get why he's upset.

"Jayla you okay sweetie?" Mama Star asks as she comes into the bathroom where I sat on the floor in front of the toilet.

"Yeah Ma, I'm okay. I guess I'm just nervous about today." I lie. I know I talk to Mama Star about everything especially because I think of her as my own mom but I'm just not ready to tell her that I might be pregnant, because I'm not even sure myself.

"You sure? You been throwing up all morning and you look pale." She says placing her hand on my forehead.

"Yeah I'm sure. I think I'm good now." I say slowly getting up from the floor as I stood up and looked in the mirror.

I did look a little pale and my eyes seemed a little bigger but that's because I've lost weight since Kings been in jail. It's hard to eat and function normally when your other half is locked up and you don't know if he's safe or not. I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth before I looked up into the mirror to see Mama Star staring at me.

"You sure you telling me the truth?" She ask looking at me skeptical.

"Yeah Ma, why?" I ask turning around to face her.

"You would tell me if you were pregnant right?" She ask.

I looked down nervously not wanting to lie right in her face but still scared to tell her that it might be a possibility.

"Do you think you are?" She ask again not giving up on the topic.

I nod my head slowly. Still looking down. She used her hand and picked my head up as she held a smile on her face.

"Well why you looking down for? You thought I was gone be mad or something?" She ask making me crack a smile.

"A little bit. I'm not sure yet though."

"Did you make an appointment."

"No." I shake my head. "I don't have a primary physician."

"Well until we find you one, you'll just have to take a test when we get back." She says pushing my curls out my face.

I smiled even bigger. "So your really not mad?" I ask still not believing her response.

"Come on out here and let me talk to you." She says grabbing my hand and leading me back into my bedroom. We both say on the bed as she turned to look at me.

"I think I told you before but you know I had King at a young age. And I'm not saying I'm proud of it but I made he best of it because I knew I had to provide for my son. I wish I would have went to college before I had Kayla but I didn't and that's something I regret. My only concern I have is that the timing is a little off. King has a lot more maturing to do and I'm not saying he hasn't changed because he has but a baby is a whole new responsibility."

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