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Jayla POV:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change.

The courage to change the things that I can.

And the wisdom to know the difference.

I couldnt start my day without saying my favorite prayer. Today was the day I go back from spring break to continue to finish off my senior year of high school. Over the past month things have changed in my life..some good and some bad.

I can't express how happy and grateful I am to be finally on my own and not have to worry about physical abuse being put on me. King has taken me in and now I can wake up with a genuine smile on my face.  I know I still have obstacles to face but as of now I'm just living life.

"You ready?" King ask me as I walked downstairs to get reading to leave.

"Yeah..I don't want to be late" I grab a apple and we walk out the door.

We walk out and get in his Range Rover and he drives in the direction of my school. Something's been off with him this morning..we didn't talk much and he's not even rapping to his favorite songs. I get it's early in the morning but I know when something's wrong. 

"Bae what's the matter?" I ask as we stopped at a red light.

"Nothing" he says grabbing my hand and giving me a fake smile.

"I know when your lying King"

"Nothing is wrong ma..I swear" he says.
I decided to drop the issue for now..I knew when he eventually wants to talk he will.

"I can't take it King..please just tell me what's wrong" I say looking him in the eyes.

We were sitting in the schools parking lot and he still hasn't said a word. I don't know about y'all but I hate awkward silence.

"What are you talking about?" he says.

"King I know we haven't been together for long but I know when something is wrong with you. You haven't spoken more than two words to me this morning and you haven't even touched me. What did I do?" I ask a little sad.

"You did nothing wrong..I'm just..I cant-.." He tries to say stumbling over this words.

"What is it baby"? I ask getting concerned.

"Its just gonna be different not having you around me all day. I can't protect you when your here...if anything happens to you I would never forgive my self" he says putting his head down.

"Baby I'm gonna be fine..I promise. I got Mia and Chris and you know them two together is something serious" I say as he cracked a smile.

"Ight I guess you right" he says giving me a kiss.

"Now I gotta go but please be good..don't get in no trouble" I say grabbing my bookbag from the back seat.

"When am I ever in trouble?" he ask innocently showing off his dimpled smile. Ughh he is soo cute!

"Whatever..just be on time picking me up...2:00 o'clock. Ok?" I ask as I get out the car.

"Ight..I'll be here at 3" he says rolling up the window.

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