❤ New Me❤

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************ S/O to Ghetto_Harlem for being the first to comment on the book so far!. Thanks for showing love!***********************************************************************************************************

King POV:

After dropping Jayla off at school I decided to drop by my moms house to check on her. I haven't been able to be around as much as I wanted to because it seemed like shit kept popping up but today I finally had time.

Pulling up into the driveway, I hopped out my car and walked up the pathway to the front door. I had a spare key so I used it to let myself in since I wanted to surprise her. I knew she would be upset with me because I haven't seen her in so long but on the way here I bought her something from the mall and had a whole speech on what to say. As I walked in I smelled breakfast being cooked so I headed straight to the kitchen. My mom was standing over the stove stirring a pot so I made my way over.

"Guess who is it" I said as I placed my hand over her eyes standing behind her.

"It must be Jesus, cuz I haven't seen my son in two weeks so I know it couldn't possibly be him" she replied turning around smiling bright at King. Everybody knew King and his mother looked just like twins and was always mistaken as siblings when out in public. Star was about 5'5 light skinned and rocked a cute natural curly bob. The one thing that stood out about her was her intense hazel eyes that King inherited that looked as if she could read your soul. (Picture on side)

"Sorry mommy, will you please forgive your son" I said giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Dont give me that look" a laughing Star says as she begins to make herself a plate of food. "So you think you to grown to come see me and your sister" she turns around and looks at King.

"No ma, I just been busy. I didn't even know I was gone that long but since I was I apologize" I say as I look into my mothers eyes. I knew if I gave her eye contact she would know I was telling the truth. She always know.

"Alright but the next time you don't come in and check on me, imma whoop yo ass. You ain't to old to get a beat down" Star says as she sits down at the breakfast bar. King laughed because he knew she was serious. Star used to be on the streets and was known as a big fighter back in New Orleans when she was younger, but when she found out she was pregnant she changed her ways.

"Dang ma, you do understand I'm grown right. Don't you think you should stop threatin to whoop my ass" I say as I try to take a piece of bacon off her plate.

"Boy I was in labor with you for 23 hours and 13 minutes...I dont care if you 40, imma still put my foot up yo ass if you doing wrong. And that's bein 100" her New Orleans accent coming out a little as she swat my hand away from her plate.

"ight ma, I get it. So how you been? I see the house still looking good" I say as I looked around the kitchen and the living room. I worked my ass off to buy this four bedroom, three bathroom house for my mom and sister. My mom was struggling at the time, when we moved to Atlanta from New Orleans. I knew I had to be the man of the house, so I did what I had to do to make sure we had a shelter and once I grew older I eventually moved out and left the house for my mom to take care of.

"I been good, Kayla been getting on my damn nerves with these boys hanging around her at that school. I swear she turned 16 and that girl think she grown. But other then that my job is good and we doing good. How you been?" she asks as she gets up to put her empty plate in the sink.

"I'm straight..handling business. I just wanted to check on you and Kay" I say as I looked down at my phone sending Kayla a text telling her to meet me after school was out. I refused to let my little sister become the neighborhood hoe. That shit was not about to happen.

"Who is she" my mom ask as I look up from my phone confused. I never really talked about my personal life to nobody and today was no different.

"Nobody" I said getting up kissing her on the cheeck before leaving.

I knew one day my mom would realize that Jayla was changing my old self into a new me.

Jayla POV:

What just happened I thought to myself as I made it to my locker to get my books for class. One minute I'm telling myself to stay away from King and that he's no good for me, then the next minute I'm letting him drop me off and letting him kiss me. I ain't finna lie his lips was HELLA SOFT! I can't believe that just happened. Did King just seriously kiss me? OMFG!

"Bitch you better tell me everything, or I swear we will no longer be BFF's ever" I heard behind me as I turned around to see Mia standing there with her books pressed to her chest, smiling hard as hell.

Laughing I said "Tell you what, girl you be buggin" turning back around to close my locker.

"So you pulling up in a BMW with Mr. Mysterious is nothing. Come on tell me...please" a whining Mia days as she links are arms together as we walked to our first period class together. I didn't want to tell her because I didn't know how she would react but I had to be loyal to my girl.

"It was King" I tried to say as low as possible but once I felt her let go of my arm and stopped walking I knew she heard me. Her expression was blank and she just stood there frozen. I didn't know what to do so I just shook her shoulders until she finally got out of her daze.

" OH MY FUCKING GOD JB! YOU GO WITH KING?! " she yells as I hurry and put my hand over her mouth. A few people stared at us like we crazy as fuck but I just smiled and Mia gave a small wave to show that everything was ok. I knew I shouldn't have told her loud mouth ass nothing.

"If I let my hand go, you promise not to cause another damn scene?" I said waiting for her response. She nodded her head up and down fast and then mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"I knew yo ass was hiding something. You better be lucky class about to start.. but oh trust me this convo aint over" says a smiling Mia as she goes in the room to sit in our regular spot. How was I gonna tell my best friend that I had feelings for King and that he was turning me into a new me?

How do yall feel about Star?

What do you think King will say to his sister?

Do yall like Mia?

Do you think JB was right to tell Mia?




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