❤️Locked Up❤️

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Sorry for the delay but the update is here.
Don't hate me 😩😏
Narrator P.O.V.
Since finding out the news about King being in jail it's been hard on everybody especially Jayla. It's been a full week and they still haven't heard word about what happened and when they do call the police they refuse to let him receive calls. Mama Star has been going crazy, trying to call whoever she could to help get King from out of there because she knew they would charge him for any and everything or even worse, try to kill him. Since Jayla , Mia, and Chris are out of school until graduation they have been spending as much time with Jayla as possible. Mia and Chris expected Jayla to have a total melt down when they broke the news to her but all they received was a simple head nod and a sad face. Chris thought that maybe she was just good at hiding her emotions but as the week ended they still got no emotions from her. Jayla has been working a lot and she has been running the Club all by herself and she even have been setting up meetings to look at dance studios for her to buy. Nobody knew what was going through her mind but they didn't want to mention anything just in case she finally did blow up. It's been a real uneasy atmosphere for everybody and the only thing that was on everyone's mind was if King was okay or not?

Jayla P.O.V
"Hey are you busy?"

"What you think Jayla, it's 2am. I'm sleep." Justin says in his groggy morning voice.

I looked down at my Rolex and indeed it was 2am. I guess I lost track of time while sitting here at the club.

"Oh my bad, I didn't mean to wake you. Just go back to sleep."

"Shit, I'm up now. Why you still up? You good?

"Feel like meeting me somewhere?" I said with hope in my voice.

"Yeah, just send me the address."

"Alright so spill it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on Jay, I know you. You sitting over there with a sad ass face mopin. Who took your candy today?" He said laughing.

"King's in jail and he's facing a life sentence."

As soon as the words fell out my mouth we both fell silent. I drained the last of my Hennessy that was in my glass before I wiped my watery eyes. Just saying it out loud makes me emotional and I hate the fact that I can't do anything about it.

"Are you serious Jay? I swear I didn't know." He says with a look of genuine concern.

"I know you didn't. Nobody knows but you now. He called me and told me that it's not looking to good for him. He refuses to speak to anyone else but me." I say wiping my stray tears.

"Come here" he says pulling me into his arms as I rested my head on his shoulder. "You know I'm here for you and at the end of the day shit gone play out how it's suppose to. We just have to pray for the best."

"I know but what if it doesn't go in his favor. How am I suppose to live without him? I can't even sleep at his house because everything reminds me of him, the smell, his clothes, our pictures, our bed. What am I suppose to do?" I say finally breaking down in his arms.

I've hidden my emotions for so long because I promised King that I would be prepared for this. But even though you say you might be prepared for something, the moment it happens makes you go into total shock. And I can honestly say that nothing could prepared me for this.

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