❤ Trust Issues❤

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It's been two weeks since the fight I had with my foster mother. I've been trying to avoid her since that day and so far its been working. As you might have figured out my name is Jayla Bernet but I go by JB. My best friend Mia started saying it one day and it just kinda stuck. I'm caramel skinned about 5'3 with long curly hair, but dont ask me were I got it from cuz I wouldn't be able to tell you.

Yes I'm a foster kid and I've been one since I was 5. I never knew who my dad was and the only thing I can remember about my real mother is that she was pretty but addicted to drugs. I wish sometimes my life could be different but I know that is never gonna happen.

Today was Wednesday which meant that my best friend Mia could walk home from school with me. "So what you about to do when u go home to Ms. Evil" Mia says as we cross the street getting closer to my house.

"Girl you know I'm about to haul ass to my room and just stay in there for the rest of the night like always. I hate living there and you know it" I say bumping Mia a little as we walked.

"Damn thats messed up JB but dont worry, you'll be 18 soon and you'll finally be able to leave her nasty ass house" Mia says as she starts doing the Nae Nae.

If anybody could make me laugh I knew Mia could.

As we kept walking we looked ahead of us to see a group of boys leaning against a BMW looking our way. I grew a a lil nervous because for one I dont talk to boys cuz I know my ass would get in trouble and Two I'm focused on my education. Mia grabbed my hand and went straight to them smiling hard.

"Hey yall, this my friend JB" At that very moment I hated Mia for doing this to me. I didn't even know them, let alone want them to know my name

"Hey wassup ma" one of the dudes said to me looking me up and down before smiling showing all his pearly white teeth and dimples. I looked up at his tall frame and I knew I had to walk away from this boy who I suddenly felt attracted to. This was a weird feeling.

"JB wait" I heared Mia yell from behind me until suddenly she caught up to me and stopped me. "What do you want Mia? Why would you even do that knowing I dont like them" I said looking her square in the eyes.

"I just wanted you to meet some of my friends..sorry, I didn't mean to make u mad Jayla" Mia said looking sincere. I knew she was because she said my real name and whenever she does that is when she is dead ass serious.

"It's ok, I was just taken off guard a lil..my bad Mia, I wasn't tryna be shady. Mia hugs me and say its ok and that I should meet them cuz they mad cool and funny. I didn't want to but I knew I wanted to keep Mia happy so I went. We walked back up to them and Mia started talking to a boy who I later found out was named Chris. I stood there awkwardly because I was embarrassed to say anything after my dramatic walk off

"So what's yo real name ma" King asked me, looking up from his iPhone.

"It ain't ma I know that much" I said with a lil attitude at his cockiness

"oh soo you got attitude, I like that in you but for real what's yo real name" King says to me looking me in my eyes, I look down nervously then say "Jayla, why you wanna know"

He looks at me and smile showing off his dimples again then tells me that his name is King, he looks back down at his phone then takes a picture of me saving it then he says "I wanted to know my future girlfriend real name". I couldn't believe what he just said but I knew that by the butterflies flying in my stomach and me going speechless that King would cause me even more trust issues.

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