II Chapter 2

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"How can we ever expect the seven kingdoms to live together in peace and harmony when even this small group of people on this island use every opportunity to be at each others' throats" Varys sighed pessimistically, commenting on the small clash our newest addition had with the Greyjoys. "Are you sure it was such a wise idea to have the queen let her stay?" He tested.

I took another sip from my ale. "The queen needs allies" I reminded him. 

"Yes" the bold man nodded. "Strong allies, who can offer ships or armies or money" 

I raised a brow at him. "And how many ships have you and I offered?" I challenged. "How many men, how much coin?"

Varys sighed. I was clearly right. 

"The way I see it I am drinking the queen out of all the coin she has" I jested as I slipped off my chair and went to pour myself another drink. 

"Yes" he agreed reluctantly, with a sense of worry on his brow. "Still" he started again as I came back to take a seat. "I hope you are not doing this out of some misguided sense of responsibility" 

I frowned at him. "Whatever do you mean?" I asked even though I had some sneaking idea. 

"I hope you don't think you owe her something after the way your siblings have treated her" he elaborated. "After all according to some of the rumours-"

"They are just rumours" I interrupted him. "I'd much rather hear her side of the story before believing in any gossip" 

I knew he probably had some clever response but by the tone of my voice he knew not to push the subject further.

"I will talk to the girl" I decided. "I know Jon Snow, but I think he'd rather hear our queens demands from his own sister"

"But do you think he will have an ear for it?" 

I though on that for a moment. "I think the Stark children have a closer nit bond than most royal houses I know of. If not for his sister then I don't know what may inspire him to come south"

"Coming south is one thing, bending the knee to a Targaryen another" the bald man pointed out. 

"Let's cross that bridge when we get to it" I suggested, placing the empty goblets on the table before sliding off the chair again. I could feel Varys eyes follow me as I left the small hall, thinking back to the words the strange priestess had told us. 

I wasn't one for prophecies, but knew that they could be valuable in guiding and leading the people who believed in them. Still they all seemed to have the same message in the end: the world was ending and only one hero would be able to save it.

With the help of the watchful eyes of some unsullied guards I found the Stark girl in one of the abandoned hall, standing by a great open window, staring at the rather desolate and harsh landscape and sea bellow. 

I cleared my throat as to not scare her as I approached, preparing myself for the conversation to come and trying to choose my words carefully. 

She glanced at me shortly, clearly not too thrilled about my arrival. I supposed that my last name was probably the larges source of her disscontempt.

"Lady Stark" I greeted respectfully. 

"Lord Hand" she retorted in an emotionless tone, the harsh gusts of wind brushing through her shoulder length hair. 

I followed her gaze, only just able to reach the height of the large opening and peer over the wall. "I suppose we are family now" I tried to sound a little amused in an effort to brighten the mood. 

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