II Chapter 21

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I found my heart beating nervously as I stood in the throne room, awaiting the arrival of the northern envoys, These were my kinsmen and even though I had not been to the north in decades and I would never have thought to set foot in it again, I felt like their character and first impressions may reflect on me. Be it good or bad. Also, Varys had informed me that my own cousin would be present, which was all the more reason to be nervous.

"I am afraid if he has send envoys, the king in the north is not planning on bending the knee" Varys spoke softly so that his voice would not echo throughout the throne room. 

Daenerys shifted on her throne to listen to him more closely. "Maybe he has sent his fifty men to take me hostage" she offered amused and I recognised the little girl in her. 

My hand closed around the hilt of my fine blade. "You should not joke about such matters your grace"

Our heads turned and the queen sat up straight on her throne as the northerners entered, their heavy footsteps echoing loud throughout the hall. I spotted the colours of my house instantly and was almost a little taken aback by the sight of my kin. They had grown up so much since last I saw them. Alysane, tall and proud and with a mean face, wearing black breeches and a black bear coat that dragged on the floor behind her. And her younger sister Lyra at her side, broad chested and with arms near as thick as her thighs. They would not be called beautiful by the standards of Westeros, but where they came from beauty wasn't important. Survival was, and it made the woman in house Mormont just as tough as the men. Unfortunately it made them just as stubborn, a trait I feared greatly in the negotiation to come.

Next to them walked a tall man, with thinning grey hair and a beard peppered with white. There was a hard look upon his brow, as he studied us like a tourney knight might study his opponent. His armour was old and worn, but I could make out the silver gauntlet on red of House Glover quite easily. At his side walked a bear of a man, not tall, but with a broad chest and heavy looking step. His hair was red and tousled and he wore a coat of mismatched pelts over heavy ringmail and there was something wild and unkept about him and I did not like the way his gaze lingered on our young queen. 

In turn my gaze lingered a little longer on the girl by his side, her beauty almost able to compete with that of Daenerys. She had long honey-coloured hair and bright blue eyes in a pleasant face. She was dressed all in white, from her died leather boots to the white coat around her slender shoulders. She and the bull beside her wore no hint of a sigil or house colour, by which I could recognise them. 

In contrast to that, the last in the group of six was a man dressed all in black and a sour look upon his long face. I recognised him as a brother of the Night's Watch. Behind them followed around fifty foot soldiers. Some wearing the colours of house Mormont, some wearing the colours of house Stark or the red of House Glover. It was a strangely familiar sight to see. 

"You stand in the presence of Daenerys Targaryen, first of her name, queen of the Andals and the First Men, breaker of chains, queen of Mereen, Protector of the Realm and Mother of Dragons" Missandei proclaimed loudly, her voice echoing in the large hall. 

There was a short silence of tension as the northerners stared at us and a sort of challenge could be felt in their silence. I made eye contact with my cousins, begging them to show our new queen the respect she deserved. 

Finally the elder man in the group took a step forward and I already hoped he would sink to one knee but he held his proud statue. "It is an honour to stand in your presence, I think I do not just speak for myself when I say that I was hardly able to believe the stories. I now see that they are true" 

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