II Chapter 87

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The air was clear and chilly, pinching at every inch of exposed chin, causing the faces of the knights, lords and soldiers to look raw and red as they travelled in long lines towards the Kingsroad. The sky was clear and the sun beat down, though any warmth it may have provided was blown away by a gentle yet persistent breeze. The dry snow blew across the meadows as sand would in a desert, whipping the horses legs and underbellies and causing the foot soldiers to pull their coats tightly around their bodies.

I made sure to keep my own cloak wrapped tightly around myself as I sat upon a brown gelding and watched the army move. It was a clam and patient animal, but I still missed Tansy terribly, whom I heavy heartedly had realised had remained in King's Landing, while I and the other prisoners had been returned. If time had allowed it I would have demanded her return. But i knew there were more important things at play than the repossession of a horse. 

But she was my horse. And she was a gift.

My eyes traveled along the meadows and back to Rosby. A strange nostalgia overcame me. A sin part of me was trying to tell me that this might be the last time I saw it. That this might be the last time I was in the south. Or at leats that I would to be returning or a long time. 

It was the same way I now felt about my departure from Winterfell. All those years ago. Knowing now how long it would take me to actually return. And by then everything would be different. Did my chambers even exist anymore? My things. The small trinkets and collectibles worth nothing more than the memories that they were keepings safe for me.

Winter will take you.

I felt like I was biding farewell. I had done a lot of that lately. It was only the day before that Baelor Hightower and his company left to travel back to the Reach.

"The Lord Hand told us that it was largely your efforts that has us returned back to freedom" he gave me one of his famous smiles as I came to see them off.

"Did he?" I demanded a little uncomfortably. "I wasn't even present when the exchange was made" 

"Oh you were" Desmera informed me. "But you were.. You were not well"

I could feel my cheeks heat up slightly in embarrassment. I did not even wish to think about the compromising position I had been in then. And all the people that may have witnessed it.

"Either way, we are eternally great full my Lady, I feel we owe you a great deal" Lord Baelor insisted. 

I shook my head again, giving a nervous chuckle. "Truly my Lord, I did not do much, I am certain others deserve more of your gratitude"

Desmera nudged my arm. "Would you stop being so humble and just accept our thanks?" she barked playfully.

I had to mirror her smile. I would miss her. I truly would. "Send Willas my regards" I told them softly. Maybe I missed him too. "Oh and your wife" I quickly added, turning to Lord Baelor before it might get awkward. "I hear the child has arrived, congratulations" 

His face light up. "Yes" he agreed his eyes full of soft anticipation. "I cannot wait to see them again. A girl" he said happily.

I could only envy him. And I was glad he was safe and happy, but I was also a little disappointed to see him leave. "I would have thought you would want to accompany us north. We could use a warrior such as you" I told him. I much preferred him to his younger brothers. 

"My brothers will serve in my stead" he told me in a more serious tone. "Oldtown has suffer greatly at the hands of the iron born, someone will have to oversee the aftermath. We have to rebuild. strengthen our defences again" he pointed out. "Prepare as best we can for this winter. I hear it will only grow colder" he looked up at the cloudless sky with slight worry. 

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