Chapter 19

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After the dinner my aunt took her children to their quarters. No doubt she would not let Martyn out of her sight again any time soon. 

"Leave us" my uncle ordered steely never looking at the Stark girl, his voice bouncing of the high walls. 

She looked at me in confusion. I nodded reassuringly and by the graces of the gods she left without protest. She had gotten on everyones bad side so far, I did not wish to add my uncle to the list. He got up walking to my side of the table, his wine glass in hand.

"I do not approve of this marriage" he stated honestly as the girl was out of earshot. 

"Too bad you weren't there to object when father had us wed" I responded just as honestly. No one approved if this damned marriage, only father. 

"Its no good mixing traitor's blood with that of a Lannister, no less a Stark traitor" he muttered through gritted teeth. "Look what happened to you brother"

"There is nothing I can do about it now" I sighed. "The vows have been said"

"The realm doesn't know you for a man to take vows very seriously" he pointed out. 

You've forsaken every vow you ever took. "The realm is full of fools"

"My brother being one of them I suppose" my uncle clenched the back of the chair next to me. 

"Don't let him hear that" I warned. 

He nodded before emptying his glass. "Right, you must excise me, I would like to retire and spend some time with my family" he placed the empty glass on the table and left. 

I sat in solitude for another moment, watching the sunlight slowly disappear. "Boy!" I called over my squire. He was some Frey, they were everywhere these days. "What is your name again" It was most likely to be Walder. Too many Walder Frey's walked the realm for my liking. 

"Walden" the boy answered. 

"Oh how original" I could't help but remark. "Get me Ser Bronn, tell him to meet me on the northern platform behind the Lord's tower" I ordered at the boy hurried off. 

I got up as the servants entered to clean the table. My hear jumped for a moment as I saw Cercei, but as the saving girl faced me her face was round, with a stubby nose and full cheeks. I shook my head as I left the hall. I had been away from her too long. And every day more was agony. It was her fault. I told father, I told him about us. You fool Cercei, thanks to you father had Tommen expel me from the kingsguard and dragged me off Kingslanding right away.

I reached the platform and pulled out my sword clumsily with my left hand. It just felt wrong. My phantom hand twitched as I swung the sword. 

"You still look like you've just pick dup a sword for the first time" Bronn stated as he stepped onto the platform as well. 

"I don't think I pay you for your mockery" I retorted lowering my sword as he unsheathed his own. 

"Yeah yeah" he agreed before slashing at me. 

I only just managed to pull up my sword and spin away from my own blade. As I hadn't enough strength in my left hand I was unable to push him off. 

"Are you sure we shouldn't be using blunted swords?" he teased as he pressed down harder. 

I twisted away, holding out my sword for another attack. "I'm no squire" 

"You wold have better luck fighting against them" he kept slashing at every word, causing me to counter weakly and step back further and further. I panted, too concentrated on not letting his blade come into contact with my flesh. "Maybe we should invite your lady wife, I'n sure even she could beat you at this stage" with another blow he had hit the sword out of my hand and it scraped across the stone floor. I frowned angrily, though the darkness that had defended upon us made him ignorant to it. I picked my sword back up and turned around panting. 

"Oh no I'm done" he held up his arms in defeat. "I don't wish to plunge to my death in the dark" he sheathed his sword and straightened his tunic. Nodding in agreement and panting I did the same and we headed back into the castle. 

"We'll resume tomorrow" I assured as we parted ways. He yawned in response and disappeared around the next corner. It was not far to my chambers and I made a mental note to get up early and practice some more. I had lost all confidence in my sword fighting, it took my whole life to put me at the top as the most skilled swordsman in the seven kingdoms. I feared I had't the time to relearn it all with my left. I took off my sword belt as I push through the door of my chambers, dropping it on my table. As I turned and looked up I froze in surprise. The Stark girl was sitting in my bed, wearing her night gown her arms crossed in front of he chest. 

"My Lady?" it was not supposed to sound like a question but my confusion got the better of me. 

"They are never going to accept me or take me serious if it looks like I'm a prisoner" she explained in a complaining tone. 

"So...?" I trailed off not finding her point. 

"So it doesn't look good that we sleep in separated chambers" she pointed out. 

"Ok" I looked around confused. I had not expected this. For her to come to my bed willingly. I did not know what to make of the situation. I unbound my golden hand, pulling it from my stump and placing it on the table as well. I felt uncomfortable as I undressed feeling as though I was being watched. I turned back to the bed once I was in my undershirt to see her glaring at me.

"What? I am not sleeping on the floor" I walked over feeling rather pissed my evening of privacy had been taken from me. She pulled the blankets up higher as I climbed into the other side of the bed, clumsily trying to get under the covers with just one hand. I placed my head on the pillow, pulling up the blankets only to have my gaze met by a shiny dagger. 

"This is my side" she declared, still holding onto the blade as it stuck in the feather mattress. "If you try anything I'll cut your precious cock off" she pulled the dagger out, placing it under her pillow. 

"What a way to ruin a perfectly good feather bed" I noted, looking at the sloth in the fabric, white goose feathers already poking through. 

She did not reply, only lay down, shuffling as far from me as possible. I turned around with a frown, facing the other direction. Sharing my bed with another woman, Cercei will have her strangled and beheaded at the same time. 

Carliene StarkWhere stories live. Discover now