Chapter 23

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Something took my shoulder and shook it. I opened my eyes slightly seeing who was bothering me this early in the morning. 

"Ser Bronn wake up" the wolf girl mumbled half hushed as she continued shaking me. 

I had to grin. "Maybe a kiss would do the trick" I suggested. 

"Come on, get up" she sounded impatient, walking back to the door as I open day eyes my vision still bury in the dim light of my room. 

"As m'lady commands" I groaned rising from my small bed. I stretched and slipped into my simple clothes. Lannister gold had improved my wardrobe considerably. I now wore a comfortable black leather tunic, with silken undershirts. Grabbing my swordbelt I opened the door where the girl was already waiting, leaning against the rail with crossed arms. "The fuck are you wearing?" I questioned gesturing to the brown pants, looking far too large for her. 

"Do you have a second sword?" she asked ignoring me. 

I sighed understanding where this was going. "First Jamie Lannister now you" I complained retrieving a backup sword from my room. 

She beamed, taking the sword from my hand and inspecting it excitedly. 

"Are those Ser Jamie's pants?" I asked as I fastened my belt following her. 

She once again made no answer, only led be to the platformed I had used to train her husband the night before. She unsheathed her sword and threw aside the sheath, turning towards me in a ready stance. 

"Does your husband know you're doing this?" I questioned raising my brows. 

"Does it matter?" she retorted unconcerned, swinging the sword. It was too heavy for her I knew, but she made no complaint. 

"I don't want to get into any trouble for hurting the Lady Lannister" Being called that clearly angered her. These noblemen and ladies, so concerned with their names and pretty banners, it was nothing short of pathetic at times.  

"Every wound is a lesson and every lesson make you better" he eyes were full with determination. 

I nodded. "Nicely put, but I don't fight women" I refused with shrug. 

She bit her lip, lunging at me without a reply. I stumbled back only managing to jump aside as she swung the sword at me. "Then what do you do when a women attacks you?" she demanded through gritted teeth as she kept swinging. 

I took another step back as she swung again, coming to point the end of the blade at my face. "I usually try to win her over with my charms" I smirked. 

"And when that fails?" she kept lunging and swinging, though her attacks were slow, probably caused by the weight of the blade.

Her footwork wasn't bad, I had to give her. The moves were old and predictable but well exercised, even if they were slow. I slipped my dagger from its pouch on my back and used it to counter her next attack, stepping past the blade and grabbing hold of her arm.  "Then.." I continued holding the dagger to her throat, keeping it far enough from her skin as to not be too threatening. ".. I use more direct methods" I grinned. Too bad she was some stuck up lady with a name and a husband. If she were some tavern girl or kitchen wench they might have had some fun times together. 

She frowned and lowered her sword, shaking off my arm. "Yet you have no trouble fighting a cripple" she pointed out. 

I chuckled. "Oh don't you let him hear that" I warned. 

"Whats wrong with wanting to be able to protect myself?" she demanded disappointed. 

"Oh nothing" I assured, pulling out my own sword and rotating it in my had a couple of times, the blade cutting through the wind. "You just all think it's so easy" I swung at her unexpectedly, causing her to clumsily throw up her sword, dropping it as the impact of mine was too much. "In a real fight that's fatal" I said pointing at her sword on the floor. 

"I've been in a real fight before" she insisted stubbornly, picking up the sword. "And.." she started swinging at me again. "I had to fend for myself after escaping Kingslanding"

I blocked her attacks, but found myself unable to make my own as her blows followed one another. I managed to spin away from a large blow of hers, causing her to stable forwards and giving me time to set up my own attack. 

"Aye, but you never had to win your bread with it" I objected slashing at her. 

She blocked my sword, pushing it off to the side. She gritted her teeth, too concentrated to make a reply as I keep advancing at her. I noticed that she always blocked my attacks with the base of her sword and not the tip. Maybe she was more skilled than I gave her credit for. We danced for a while as the sun started to glister on the waves of the sea bellow. She was growing tired, the heavy sword growing slower and slower in her grip. I hadn't even broken a sweat, all this training really managed to keep me in shape. I blocked her next attack by hitting her sword to the side, causing her to almost stumble into me. She found her footing though and suddenly had a cold blade pressed to my throat. 

The girl grinned up at me as she saw my surprise. "In a real fight that's fatal" she repeated my word teasingly her breath heavy with exhaustion.  

My left hand went to my dagger as I straightened up, only to find the sheath empty. I raise my brows at her. "When did you..?"

She threw up the dagger catching it by the blade and holding the handle out to me. "I've got quick fingers" she shrugged, obviously pleased with herself. Still panting she went over to pick up the sheath of her sword and packed it away. 

"I let you win though" I called over the wind as I sheathed my own sword. "I want you to know that" I teased as she still stood bent over trying to catch her breath. 

Suddenly she stumbled towards the edge of the platform and my bowels tied up in a knot. "M'lady?" I stepped towards her in distress, already knowing I wouldn't make it in time. 

Just before she stumbled over the edge and plunged to her death she sunk to her knees, holding her head over the ridge vomiting into the abyss. 

"What the fuck" I swore as I caught up to her, unsure how to handle the situation. We had only fought a little, at her wish no less. No blood had been drawn so why would she get sick?

She brushed back her hair breathing heavily and spitting over the edge. 

"What was that?" I demanded, not in the mood to get into any trouble with Jamie Lannister. 

"I just felt sick all of a sudden" she sounded just as confused. "I think I ate too much yesterday"

I couldn't help but think directly to poison. Lannister had warned me that people here would want to hurt her. That is what I was supposed to be for, but I could't protect her from a poison. Poison was a woman's weapon or that of an eunuch, I was only skilled in keeping away men with blades. 

"Are you certain? You know your husband would have my balls if you died on my watch" 

She smiled weakly taking deep breaths. "We can't have that" she agreed amused. 

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