Chapter 22

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"Will you retire now my Lady, you must be tired" the Kingslayer asked me as we left the dinning hall. He sounded so hopeful, what was he getting at.

"Yes I think I shall" I agreed studying him, my eyes slightly squinted in suspicion. 

"You'll have no need of Bronn then" he concluded almost relieved. "I hope you'll allow me to borrow him for a bit" 

"He's your man" I remind him with a confused frown. 

"Now, now, no need to fight over me there's enough for both of ya" Ser Bronn budded in as we came to a halt before our room. 

I snickered at them, entered the chamber. I closed the door, listening to their footsteps disappear. Counting to ten I leaned against the door, before opening it again and stepping out. The guards met me with confusion, but I hurried off before they could get any idea of stopping me. I went into the general direction that I believed the Kingslayer and Bronn had left in, soon following the sound of metal hitting metal. I found myself carefully deciding familiar steps, the ones I had found whilst running away from Ser Euron. 

"... sure you don't want us to use wooden swords" I heard Bronns teasing voice, slightly disheveled by the wind. I stopped on the last steps, pressing myself against the wall before peering out onto the platform. As I had suspected they were practising there. I did't quite know why this interested me so, but I decided to stay and watch as best I could. The setting sun was blinding, and I was only able to see their silhouettes. It was easy to make out who was who though. One of them moved gracefully yet his slowly, almost bored. The other had good footwork but his arm swung about clumsily, his other pressed to his side uselessly. He seemed to have even less control over his sword, which only weakly blocked the attacker to the ground. Once their swords locked and they told facing each other for a moment, before Bronn punched the Kingslayer, sending him straight to the dusty platform. 

"What in seven hells was that?" he demanded as he lay there. 

"That was me knocking your ass to the ground" Bronn explained, reaching out a hand to help his opponent to rise. 

"It was dirty fighting" the Kingslayer protested as he ignored the help and got up by himself. 

The knight shrugged, "I still won" he pointed out. 

I had to smile as I turned and headed back up the steps, hearing the ring of sword on sword behind me again. If it ever came to it I was certain I would be able to overpower him. I just could't afford to get out of practice. The shewolf of Blackwater Bay, maybe I could convince Ser Bronn to train with me as well. Actually I could just order him. I serve your lord husband. I guess we'll have to see about that. 

I returned to my chambers, planning on retiring for good this evening. This time Irys was present to help me change into my night gown. I sat down before the mirror and she brushed out my hair. 

"Where are you from?" I asked, starting a conversation since I felt in a surprisingly good mood. 

The girl seemed to appreciate the question, answering with joy in her voice. "I'm from Lannisport m'Lady" she started. "My father was a fisherman and my mother oft helped out in the kitchens. I've been in the Lannisters empty for nearly 5 years now" 

"What do you know of them?" I knew the girl was feeding everything I revealed to her, maybe I could play her both ways. "About the Lannisters" I added when she looked at me confused through the mirror.

"Their nice m'Lady"

What an uncreative answer. 

"I mean I've never known them much, I used to help the washer woman before I was ordered to serve you" 

I nodded. "Do you know what happened to Lord Kevan's son?" maybe its a better idea to know why the boy is so shook up before I approached him. 

"As far as I know his brother was killed. The young wolf fed him to his dire wolf is what some of the soldiers have said"

I frowned at my reflection. My brother had shared our family's hatred of the Lannisters, but he was not one to kill little boys. 

"I'm sorry m'lady I meant no offence" she apologised as she saw my change in mood, placing the brush on the table. 

"It's alright, thank you for telling me" I smelled at her reassuringly. "What was his name? Martyn's brother"

"William, m'lady"

I nodded. "Thank you Irys, that will be all" 

The girl bowed and left. When I was alone I changed my position in the small chair, putting one leg over the armrest and leaning back. I picked up the closest book to me and opened it, the dying sunlight barely allowing me to make out the words. It was the book with the collection of songs. The bear and the maiden fair was the song I had opened by chance. I knew it, after all house Mormont was sworn to my father. Not any more.

I cleared my throat and began to sing, trying to remember the correct tune from my childhood. There was no right tune of course, as every bard seemed to have his own version. 

"And down the road from here to there,

three boys, a goat and a dancing bear

they dance and spun all the way to the fair

Oh sweet she was and pure in fair, the maid with honey in her hair.

The maid with honey on her hair"

A picture of the queen appeared in my mind and I closed the book throwing it back onto the table. A shiver of disgust went through my body as I though about her and the Kingslayer. I was unable to comprehend such a love. Though I suppose it made some kind of sense, no one else is able to love the twins so they might as well stick with each other. A kingslayer and a spiteful queen. I wonder what she was thinking of me at this moment. Not kindly as I would imagine. Barren and a traitor, what better place to put you in than a brothel, Joffrey had said them but they were her words.

I sat down on the bed, pulling out the dagger from under the bed. I said dagger, when really it was a carving knife I had nicked from the dinner table. One never knew when it came in handy. I weighed it in my hands for a moment, looking round the room for a target. Eyeing the large wooden dresser I stood up, firmly grabbing onto the tip of the blade and pulling my arm back. With a quick movement I flung the knife at the wardrobe, the blade spinning in the air. It hit the wood with its flat side and fell to the floor. Clanking loudly over the stone floor. I gasped as the door was forced open and a Lannister guard stepped inside. 

He looked around the room confused. "Are you alright my lady? There was a noise"

"I"m fine" I assured, crossing my arms before my chest to cover up out of reflex. 

He nodded still frowning, but left and closed the door. I huffed as I picked up the knife. 

"Bad idea" I scolded myself as I quickly tucked the knife back under my pillow. 

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