II Chapter 25

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"That neckline suits you well" the old rose complimented as she let me guide her to wherever it was we would be taking our supper. "It is a shame you have that scar defiling you skin"

I clenched my yaw, not wanting to think of how I got that scar on my collar bone. "It is a chest line more than a neck line" I retorted, hinting my distaste at how low it fell.

"Don't be prude" she hissed. "You should learn how to display what you have and use it to your advantage"

Like whores do? I felt myself wondering just how much the old woman had taught her granddaughter of such matters. Part of me was certain that I never wanted to find out.

The old keep was a large square tower of grey marble, with four smaller crenelated towers rising high over the roof from each corner. The building was darker than the rose keep, with smaller windows and simpler torches lighting the narrower halls. As we passed through the great hall my eyes fell on a large chair stood at the very end of the room. 

"The grassy chair" Olenna explained as we halted for a moment. "Truly a terrible name for a throne, and in all the years of the Tyrell reign, no one has ever thought to rename it" she huffed. 

It was made of rich red wood, the backrest carved to look like intertwining branches with the sculpture of a hand at the very top. For all the grandeur of the castle I thought it was a little disappointing, feeling like it could not compare to the high chair back at Winterfell. 

"Come, we shouldn't be late" she pulled me along further. we entered a smaller hall, with a long table set for a small feast. It smelled lovely and I could feel my mouth water as I gazed across the platters of meats and fruits. It was set for four people, one at each end and the other two in the middle of the table. 

"My Ladies" Lord Garth rose from the far end of the table. It looked as though he had already gotten started. At least on the wine. 

"No need to rise my Lord, your knees must be at least as bad as mine" Olenna muttered as she lead me to the nearest chair by the middle of the table. sitting down she raised her glass to one of the servants, barking at him that she wanted water rather than wine. 

I walked around to take the sit opposite of her. 

"I hope your chambers are to your liking my Lady" Lord Garth raising his glass again. "I had them fitted with new curtains and fresh plants"

"Yes" I nodded politely. "They are lovely" 

A servant filled my glass with water and I did not dare ask for wine instead.

"Well they have to be to suit their occupant" 

I gave him a nervous smile, his words sounding too much like empty flattery to me. Then our attention turned to the entrance as Lord Willas and Ser Vortimer entered, deep in conversation. The scraping of our chairs pulled them from it as we rose to greet our Lord. Vortimer bowed and stepped back as Willas limped over to the chair at the head of the table. 

"Please" he gestured for us to sit before he reached it. 

As I did my eyes fell on the roses decorating the table. White, cream and orange. The later looked almost unreal as the colour was rich and full and I had never seen any flower in such a shade. I reached out to touch one laying close to me, making sure it was real by feeling the soft petals. 

"A beautiful tradition for such a dismal occasion" the old rose noted when she noticed my interest. 

I released the flower and sat back. "So I have heard" 

Carliene StarkWhere stories live. Discover now