II Chapter 8

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Before I had the chance to meet with the hand of the queen, I was summoned to Olenna Tyrell's chambers.

"My Lady invites you to take supper with her" a woman, garbed in the colours of house Tyrell informed me after approaching me in the barren halls. She looked a few years older than me, with a square build and round cheeks.
I thought about refusing for a moment, but then I remembered my manners and all that my mother had tried so hard to teach me once. So I followed along silently, trying not to think too much about Varys and my father.
Her guards were stationed in front of her chambers again and this time I noticed that they were indeed twins and looked near identical, just as the blue knight had said.

The queen of Thorns was sitting at a well set table, with grapes and cheese and bread and some sort of pastries. We'll see if I actually get to taste any of the food this time.
I gave a respectful bow as greeting, telling myself that I would be polite and civil until I knew for certain if I would truly have to accompany her or not. I didn't want the moat of discontent to widen, only to find out that I would have to spend the next months under this woman's roof.

"Lady Olenna"

"Gods be good, are those the only clothes you own girl?" She demanded half disgusted. 

I looked down at the dark garb from Misandei. Granted they were not the most pretty to look at, but it was clean and neat enough. "Well I didn't exactly have time to pack when I left King's Landing" I stated honestly. 

A thin smile found its way onto her thin lips. "Sit" she nodded to the empty seat opposite from her. "Elyn, send for a dressmaker in the morning" she told the woman who had summoned me.
Elyn nodded as she poured some wine. "We can't have you wearing such rags if you are to accompany my household" she decided strictly.

"Oh but you mustn't" I insisted, gazing at Elyn as she filled my goblet as well. "I can't accept that" I shook my head and looked back at the queen of Thorns. I didn't want to be in her debt. I wouldn't want to be in anybody's debt. 

"Nonsense" Olenna insisted as she grabbed a piece of cheese. "The Reach are the second richest lands in the seven kingdoms, nobles don't dress like beggars there, it would be a slant on the Tyrell name" she picked up her goblet and took a sip.

Her words stung, reminding me of what I truly was: penniless. Naught but a beggar that had no right in making any sort of demands.

"Most of our people surely can't even remember the last time a Stark has visited out lands, how disappointed do you think they would be when presented with your current state" she gestured in my general direction.

It's not my fault, I wanted to tell her, but I knew that that spud get me nowhere. I had half a heart to ask her if she would be dressing me in the colours of her house just as the Lannisters had, but I remembered that you weren't supposed to complain about gifted things. "Thank you" I offered instead, letting my gaze fall to the table, my mouth watering slightly at the sight of the pastries.  

"Do you always keep your hair so short?"

My hand traveled to touch my brown curls absentmindedly.

"I have never heard of such being tradition in the north"

"It's not" I disagreed, wondering how much of the truth I wanted to tell her. None of it, seemed to be the logical decision. "Its safer to travel this way" I offered and judging by her features she agreed.

"Some claim you have the look of your aunt"

I had not heard that in a long time, although father had once told me, not without concern, that King Robert had mentioned such a similarity as well.

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