Chapter 29

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I finished breaking my fast alone. That the Kingslayer had suddenly lead Bronn away did come at a surprise to me, but not an unwelcome one. Who could tell what he needed the knight for so urgently. Emergency sword lessons? Was a tourney coming up? I did not much care, I decided to enjoy my time alone instead.

The garden was nice, though it was too neatly kept for my taste. I enjoyed the wild unorganized way the godswood had been at Winterfell, not laid out with stone paths and walls surrounding the flowers and bushes. Still, this was better a place than most the rest of the castle. Located on a rock Casterly Rock did lack the occasional green corners. Here house met cobblestone and cobblestone met wall or stairs or yard or rock.

Considering all this the garden was quite pleasant, with a few peacocks and exotic parrots from across the narrow sea hiding in some of the trees, though I suspected they had once been more numerous and more active. The dropping temperatures could not be good for them. Winter is coming.

The pastries we're amazing, especially the ones stuffed with berries. I could not remember ever having tasted anything so good, even after I was full I kept nibbling at one, sighing as I sat alone.

I wondered wether the Kingslayer had talked to his uncle about the trading galley at Lannisport. Even if he did, with his lack of deplomacy I doubted he got anywhere. Maybe I should talk to the maester instead? After all, he would be the one who could help me most.

Thinking about it I noticed that I had not been introduced to any of the important figures of the castle. There must be some sort of small council after all, a master-at-arms and maybe even a master of coin, it was the Rock after all.

I licked the sticky berry juice from my fingers as a servant boy arrived bowing, cleaning up the untouched food and the rest of the plates and cups. "What will happen to the rest of the food?" i stopped him before he could hurry off to the kitchens.

"My lady?" he looked at me confused, uncomprehending.

"The food that is left over, where does it go. Do you eat it?"

He looked almost afraid to answer, growing pale as if I were accusing him of something. "My lady, we-"

"Never mind, it's alright" I waved him off, seeing as I was not going to get a useful answer out of him after all. Besides, it was not important now, I had other worries.

I got up, smoothing out my skirts. There was still no sign of Bronn or the Kingslayer and I accepted that I would probably not see them again for the rest of the day.

I did not mind, I could understand it. For a knight who has only known a life filled with conflicts and tourneys, being forced into a role at court was probably a hard transition. It must be boring, so I understood that they did not want to sit at a council or follow around a lady in the same castle walls all the time. Given the choice I as well would leave and spend my days riding off into the woods or practicing my blade. But everyone had to let go of their preferences sooner or later and grow up, so it made me no less mad.

I looked around to orientate myself, my eyes searching for the large tower. I followed the next best path leading me out of the gardens and towards the circular building. I doubted that I would have the luck to find the maester present in his chambers, but I figured that it was as good a place to start. I found myself feeling rather nervous as I walked towards the guards standing by the entrance of the main keep. Almost fearing that having no escort made me look like I was up to some conspiracy.

As I walked past them the larger of the two grinned at me, his double chin showing from under his helmet. My face heated up when I suddenly realised him from the kitchens and I had to drop my gaze, remembering my embarrassing speech. I had managed not to think of it, but now it came washing back. What had I been thinking. As I found the twisting steps leading up the tower, I picked up my skirts and quickly climbed it. It reminded me of the time I had played on the twisting steps of the broken tower in Winterfell. Robb, Jon and I used to play Maiden and Knight, it always ended in a fight though as they always made me play the maiden, even though I also wanted to have a go at swinging sticks around. It was our favourite game, until I stumbled over my dress one day and hit my head while falling down the steps. Mother was not pleased. From then on I was not allowed to play with them anymore, even my pleas to let me wear pants instead of a dress to get rid of the dangers of slipping were unanswered.

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