II Chapter 63

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It was dark when I reached Highgarden, and bitterly cold. The full moon would peak to from in-between the wind beaten clouds from time to time, shining cold silver light on the frost covered meadows. My breath fogged around my face and my fingers were numb, but I wasn't shivering. I was forcing myself to keep moving, even through the exhaustion weighing me down. Moving meant keeping warm. It was one of the first things one would learn as a child growing up in the north. I nearly let my guard down at the sight of the war glow coming from the castle and the many camps surrounding it, but I reminded myself to be cautious. 

It was dark after all and I might just be walking straight into another Lannister encampment. So I took care to stay hidden and out of the sight of patrols. At least until I could catch a glimpse of some kind of banner or sigil that I could identify. This task proved more difficult than I had imagined as there was hardly any foliage to give me cover. It was only a matter of time until a patrol in the form of two guards with spears spotted me. I calmed immediately as I noticed they were Unsullied.

I tried to explain who I was and what my intentions were, but I feared they did not understand me. As they looked at each other sceptically and then exchanged a few words in their language. Then one of them grabbed hold of my upper arm and although all my first instinct was to pull free, I decided to let him lead me off.

"Oi boys, who you got there?" before we could get far a few soldiers stepped into our path. They studied us curiously and I squinted my eyes, trying to make out their sigil. "What's a eunuch want with a woman?" the man speaking had what looked to be a chicken on his armour. His companions laughed. 

I straightened slightly. "I am Carliene Stark, I wish to be taken to the queen" I told them urgently. 

The man at the front tilted his head. "Stark?" he tested squinting his eyes at me. "You don't look like a lady" he noted my sorry state. 

One of his companions stepped forward. "Yeah, how do we know you are saying the truth?" he demanded. I was momentarily distracted by the lion sigil on his tunic and confused why there would still be redcloaks camped at the castle. "I have heard the Lady Stark has red auburn hair" the man went on.

The darkness hid my annoyance well. I was supposed to be their Lady once and these oafs didn't even know what I looked like. "Just take me into the castle, surely there will be someone there that can verify my identity" I requested a little sharply. "Maester Lomys or Ser Vyrwel" I suggested. 

The Unsullied spoke up again and the one holding onto me tried guiding me along but now the man with the rooster on his armour deliberately stepped into their path. "Alright, alright, I think we can take it from here" he spoke holding up a flat hand to stop them. "You go back to your patrols and we'll take care of the Lady" The foreign soldier narrowed is eyes at him and hissed something in his language that could only be interpreted as a threat or an insult. The westerosi groaned. "You can spit at me all you like, I still don't understand you" he grabbed for my other arm. "None of us do, which is why it is probably best if you stick to simpler tasks that involve less talking" he suggested in a similarly nasty tone. His opponent raised his voice at him, standing straight and prideful. 

"Alright enough" with a strong tug I managed to slip out of both fo their grips and take a step back. "There is no time for this" I complained. "Aren't we all on the same side?"

The men exchanged nasty glances. "We won't take orders from these ball and brainless savages" one of them hissed. "How can we, if we don't understand them?" another added a little more frustrated than angry. 

I sighed and rubbed my forehead on my sleeve. I wasn't even back yet and already I was met with trouble. Not tonight though, I told myself. For now I needed to speak with the queen.

Carliene StarkWhere stories live. Discover now