Chapter 28

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"So my lovely wife came to visit you this morning" I concluded in annoyed amusement.

My uncle gave me a judgemental look. "She was going on about having some ship checked by the maester" he shook his head. "I do no approve of her sticking her nose into these things, tell her that if she does not manage to do that she won't be allowed to sit in on any other matters regarding the rule of the west" he demanded strictly.

"Why don't you tell her" I huffed, tapping my fingers on the cold gold of my fake hand.

"Because she is your wife" he reminded outraged. "Get the girl under control, she is half your age and as her husband you are entitled to tell her how to act and where to stick her nose and where not"

"I'm sorry, have you met the girl?" I questioned looking up at him. "She's as stubborn as her father and as determined as her brother" I complained. "When I agreed to father finding me a wife and having me father heirs for his name, I did not expect to be wed to someone who questioned anything and everything I do"

Kevan sighed. "I'm afraid we have more important matters" he started.

"That's a relief to her for once" I muttered sarcastically.

"Your brother has ben caught"

My heart jumped in my chest as my guts tightened. "What do you mean?" all my attention was now on him.

"He was found hiding in fleabottom and has been brought back for trial"

"When will that take place?" I asked eagerly.

"It already did"

My stomach grew even tighter as it felt like I was digesting a stone.

"Tyrion has demanded a trial by combat" Kevan concluded, producing a letter from the pile of parchments on his desk. "Its to take place in a fortnight, I hope the gods had mercy in their judgement" the old man sighed as he handed me the letter.

I stared at the words for far too long, their meanings mixing in my head. I had to help him. Who else would? Father and Cercei despised him, he would surely end up dead if it were left to him. Damn you Tyrion I gave myself away for you to live and now you gamble it all away, I clenched my teeth. "Have the champions been named yet?" I placed the paper back on the desk, not bothering to try find the answer in it.

Kevin nodded. "Ser Gregor Clegane will fight for your sister"

I had to take a deep breath. There was no way I could even hope to beat him, even with my sword hand still attached to my body I would have been a daring thing to do. "And for my brother?"

"No one has stepped up yet"

Bronn. The chair scraped against the floor noisily as I stood from it abruptly. I tried rushing out of the room.

"Where are you going?" my uncle called after me.

I did not respond as I hurried out into the yard. Bronn could fight for my brother, he had done it before and won. We just needed to make it in time, which meant leaving as soon as possible to be able to arrive in King's Landing in a fortnight. I would see Cercei again. If it hadn't been for the dread of the trial, I would have almost felt excited.

Luckily it was easy to find the knight. Wherever he was, the Stark girl was and everyone person in Casterly Rock always seemed to know exactly where she was and what she was doing. They were sitting at a stone table under one of the canopies in the flower garden, enjoying a late breakfast or early lunch with cheese and small pastries stuffed with berries or pigeon porridge. Bronn was sticking his nose into a golden wine goblet as Carliene stuffed half a pastry into her mouth. What kind of Lady sits and eats with her guard?

"Ser Bronn I'd like to talk to you" I practically shouted at him as I came to stand before them panting slightly from running up and down stairs. Gods, was I out of shape. I used to that with a layer of armour weighing me down and not break a sweat. It's the altitude.

"Now please, in private" I added as the knight did not budge.

He sighed putting down his drink "It's always Bronn do this and Bronn do that" he complained. "I am expecting a raise soon" he pointed his finger in my face.

"Whot abot moh?" the girl asked with her mouth too full to talk. She frowned up at us as Bronn came to stand beside me confused.
I really don't care, I wanted to say so badly. I finally had an excuse to return to King's Landing, to Cercei. Defying fathers orders. For all I cared someone could despise of her while I was away, if there was no wife here waiting, there would be no point in father sending me back.

You have forsaken every vow you ever took.

Be quiet, you're dead!

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