II Chapter 23

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I caught the thin scarf before it could slip from my arm and soak up the rain water that lingered on the cobbles and the stone at our feet. I adjusted the fabric on my shoulders, while trying to keep up with Desmera, who lead me through the castle. On more than one occasion I wanted to stop and study my surroundings, taking in the detail and riches that the buildings and plazas had to offer, but the redhead insisted I would have all the time in the world to tour the castle after I met my betrothed.

The dress was light and soft and yet I felt uncomfortable. The air was cold and I felt that too much of my skin was open to it, causing gooseflesh to crawl down my arms and spine every time a small breeze caught the openings at my waist. My hair was pinned up at the back of my head to hide the uneven length and they had put some ill-tasting coloured paste on my lips that made them look more peachy. 

I felt my heart quicken as we left the cobbled yard and stepped through an archway of white marble into a neatly kept garden. The plants were still wet from the rainfall, causing them to shine in the sunlight as if they were made of glass. The slim gravelled path lead us to a round gazebo in the middle of the garden, its decorated columns choked by thick climbing roses. A few people had gathered underneath it and I took a deep breath. 

"Don't worry yourself too much" Desmera stopped and turned to me giving me a warm yet mischievous smile. "It's not you that is the problem" she added before placing a hand on my lower back and gently pushing me towards the structure.

My eyes widened at her. Whatever could she mean? What problem? I wanted to ask her but feared the people in the gazebo would hear us.

So I had no choice but to walk the rest of the way with as much composure and pride as I could muster. I realised how nervous I was. And I couldn't even say why. Not knowing where to put my hands I folded them in front of my abdomen, covering my exposed waist with my lower arms.
There were five people under the structure. Ser Vortimer and Elyn stood slightly to the side, watching as Olenna Tyrell was fumbling with her grandson's sleeve. 

Willas Tyrell had his back to me, leaning heavily on a wooden crane in his left hand and my gaze fell to his left leg, which was stabilised by some kind of splint, held in place by belts on his calf and thigh. 

"Grandmother I am not a child" he pulled his right arm away from the old woman, not sounding to be in the best of mood. He wore the green of house Tyrell, with golden roses stitched all over his tunic.

"Oh?" she challenged. "Then act the part" 

Lord Garth stood beside them, crossing his arms in front of his large belly. "I've been counselling him all morning, but our Lord her refuses to listen" there was a certain bitterness in his gruff voice. 

Desmera cleared her throat noisily and the bickering died down. Lady Olenna stepped away from her grandson who turned around. The movement was unsteady and wobbly as he tried to hold his balance. I stepped closer, deciding there was no need for him to try and approach me when I had two good legs and he only one. 

Even with his slightly bent posture he was a bit taller than me, his features turning a little kinder when he looked at me. 

"Immaculate timing dear" the old woman stepped forward with a pleased expression. "Let me introduce my grandson, Willas Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden and Warden of the South" then she turned to the man. "Willas, meet Lady Carliene of house Stark, your betrothed" there was a very unpleasant way she said betrothed, almost like it was a warning of sorts. 

When she finished I gave a respectful bow. "It is an honour my Lord" I dipped my head and offered my hand.

His hand was rougher than I had expected and his grip as loose and fleeting as the kiss he placed atop mine. "The pleasure is all mine, my Lady" his eyes were a warm brown. But the smile on his lips never reached them.

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