II Chapter 19

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"Forgive me my Lady" Baelor spoke softly and sounding almost embarrassed. "I know it is rather low of me, but I must ask what you are planning to tell Lady Tyrell of your meeting with my father"

I halted and turned to him, wondering what exactly he was asking of me. 

"Lady Olenna already has a very low opinion of my father, surely you will understand how this will look on our House" 

I tilted my head slightly. "Are you asking me to lie to the queen of thorns, Ser Baelor?" I tested. 

He gave a small sigh. "I know it is below any honour, but under these circumstances I am afraid I must ask you to refrain from the truth" he urged. "We are at war my Lady and if anyone questions the leadership of House Hightower it will ripple down through the entire army" 

I felt like that was not the entire truth to it, but I suddenly felt that maybe I could use this as an opportunity. "I understand" I agreed. 

I could sense the tension lift from him. 

"I shall tell Lady Olenna that Lord Leyton was curious to see a northern princess and maybe that he made some vague remarks on his unmarried sons" I shrugged as we continued down the tower. 

Baelor raised a brow and a small smirk found its way onto his lips. 

"She will believe that" I promised. "And it will keep her from asking unpleasant questions"

"I believe that, I was just imagining you with my brother Garth for a moment" he admitted amused. 

"Gods no" I blurted rather uncomely. I quickly raised ma hand to my mouth, staring at him with wide eyes. "I did not mean to offend Ser" I said apologetically. 

He laughed and I could feel a lot of the tension of the morning leave my system. "None taken" he mused. "As long as you don't necessarily tell him that to his face"

I chuckled nervously, not really planning on having done so since I doubted there would ever be a need for that. 

"There is something I must ask of you in return though" I stated more seriously again.
He looked over at me, waiting patiently for me to pose my request. 

"I do not have many friends or allies in the Reach" I admitted. "And even though I have been made to feel more than welcome by your household.." I halted a moment. "..well most of them. I will still need people to trust and count on" I hoped I was not sounding too desperate. 

"Well, the way I see it you are the future Lady of Highgarden, as that you are already entitled to my House's unabridged loyalty" he stated almost kindly. 

It sounds well-meant, but words are wind. 

"That is not what I mean" I told him, yet unsure how to voice what exactly it was that I did mean. "If there is ever a time when.." when what? When death marches against the wall and the flowers have frozen? "...when there is a greater threat to face" I spoke clumsily, fearing that any wrong word , and he may think me mad. Or worse yet he may think that I am what all those people from King's Landing claim I am. 

He frowned. "If you are implying that if I had to chose between the Lord of Highgarden or yourself at any point in time, I cannot promise you to chose anyone but Lord Tyrell" he stated strictly, sounding almost offended that I would even suggest what a thing. 

He misunderstands. "No, that's.." I trailed doff groaning silently to myself. Why was this so hard.

"What is it then my Lady?" he stopped again, turning to me, waiting patiently for me to explain myself. 

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